As they say… it works till it doesn't. When I got my very first two, Maggii and OJ, (not related but 2wks apart in age, I thought the same thing, funny thing was, Maggii did not agree with me.... she never really like OJ and would not have missed him, had he disappeared! I was very careful picking out these two girls based a lot on temperament and so far, so good. They say that litter mates do not always work out because of just that, litter mates... they have since birth been "social climbing" to be pack leaders. That said, if the two are of moderate temperaments, that would be more likely to work.
I still believe in the general rule of thumb, that opposite sexes are best, not always the case but in 90% of the cases, it is.... (again IMO)
I agree about the general rule for sure. Although,I am starting to think that the secret to getting two females to work out, is to have one (or more) that is completely unreactive to the other…not necessarily status related...but just doesn't really care if the other one gets her feathers ruffled. I have been lucky enough to have two pairings like that. Luna clearly deferred to Bella, and just didn't get bothered by posturing. Blondie isn't submissive to Ivy in most situations, but she doesn't let Ivy's blustering get to her at all. Ivy would like everyone to think that she is in charge, but nobody really listens to her Now, when Ivy and Bella were together, they were constantly on each other's last nerve...and a fight was always just about to break out.
I think that siblings *might work out better in a same sex pairing, because they would have sorted out their order as infants...unless they both tend to have reactive personalities.
Just thinking out loud