URGENT Transport Help Required

  • BRAT (Basenji Rescue And Transport) is in urgent need of transport help for Red, a beautiful, 22 pound, 4 year old purebred Basenji presently in expensive boarding in northern Arkansas (which is eating up BRAT's funds). Red needs to get out of boarding and in to her foster home ASAP. She has not yet been spayed, but will be immediately upon reaching her foster in Lexington, KY. She is up to date on her immunizations and is very very sweet.
    We need transport help from Springfield, MO to St. Louis, MO. We have covered the rest of the way from St. Louis to Lexington, KY, where her foster resides. We are sooo close!
    Is there anyone available to help transport this girl THIS WEEKEND? We are desperate, PLEASE contact Joanne Free

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