Cicular skin rash
my husband and i have had our Burma for 2 years now and never new what kind of dog she was, we called her our abadong dog :p
today some people asked us if she was basenji and i looked into it and she fits everything!! except her tail is straight and she barks/howls…
she has had this skin issue for about a year now, it is circle red patches on her skin, mainly on her belly and under arms... we took her to the vet last summer and they gave us some antibiotics which we completed and the patches went away only to return a few months later... :(
i have tried using healthy coat dog food and putting apple cider vinegar in her water and using oatmeal shampoo... nothing helps them. oh and she has dandruff around her butt top of tail area.
anyone know about this or have any recommendations?thank you!
nic -
I used a fish oil vitamin that I punctured and rubbed directly on red tummies on 2 Bs and it seems to work. i also just bought Funky Dog Balm on a BRAT member's recommendation, all organic, and it really worked well. If not mites, these might help. My Cory was allergic to lamb & rice, both broke him out big time. We now feed Call of the Wild Venison & Bison which we purchase at TSC, Tractor Supply Co. Keep away from corn, wheat grains as much as possible. Dawn
Be careful about tree tree oil… it was wildly popular til they found many issues and reactions to it.
San Francisco State University:Common herbs that are potentially dangerous for use in animals
Pennyroyal (very toxic to dogs and cats)
White Willow bark (salicylates may be toxic to cats)
Garlic (Heinz body anemia)
Tea Tree oil (VERY toxic to cats and small dogs)
Ma Huang (cats have idiosyncratic reactions)
Comfrey (cause liver damage)
Hops (in greyhoundsIf the antibiotics cleared it up, then it almost has to be bacteria related or it would not have cleared up. BUT could be allergy start and then bacterial developement.
If you can, go to a university vet school for exam so they can help look at diet and other issues, as well as skin scraping etc.
Did they do a skin scraping for mites? And what food are you feeding? Does it have corn in it? Many dogs have food allergies to many grains, corn being a big one.
they said that the vet did do a skin scraping, i dont recall them saying for mites. she eats beneful healthy radiance dry dog food-we thought that could help her skin stuff…
they said that the vet did do a skin scraping, i dont recall them saying for mites. she eats beneful healthy radiance dry dog food-we thought that could help her skin stuff…
You might want to try a better quality food and one without any grains, there are a number of them. And you should check and make sure that she was checked for mites. If you call your Vet they should have it on her records.