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Wearing a collar indoors

Basenji Talk
  • i should have added that as i posted last night, all of my basenjis were wearing their housecoats. The housecoats are a light weight coat (one layer of polar fleece, one layer of flannel) that they wear in the house in the winter since I can't afford to keep the house at 80 degrees in the winter. (they have heavier coats for outside when it's really cold/windy) I have actually never had a problem with the house coats, so maybe the answer is to write info on the coats and keep coats on them year round. (only 1/2 joking) :p

    I should also add that i have an adult-only house hold. Rarely have visitors inside (more often people come to play on my agility field which is outside). I live on 5 acres with the house set towards the back of the lot. And my house is on a quiet dirt road (not to say no traffic and certainly people have been known to drive faster than they should). My lot is fenced on 3 sides, but not the front. If I had lots of kids going in and out, I might do something different. Then maybe the permanent coat might be a real option.

  • @agilebasenji:

    i should have added that as i posted last night, all of my basenjis were wearing their housecoats.

    Oh boy, I would love to see a picture of them in their night loungewear! :)

  • oh it's just a lighter weight regular dog coat. But it would be fun to have a large phone number on the side of them!

  • Well, differing opinions for sure. But to me it boils down to one thing.. which is safer.

    If you have potential dog fights, a collar might be very worth the risks. But just to wear… don't wear, no danger. Wear, possible serious danger. I just don't see value in keeping a collar on if you chip/tattoo the dog and keep your fencing secure.

    I would love to see their coats on too. :) Cara actually will leave her's own, but Sayblee and Arwen ate their own and each others!

  • My girls keep their collars on all day, but when we close up the house and get ready for bed, they come off. First one up puts the collars back on. At this point, we have one who tries to be an escape artist, and one who will stay, but the fear of the escape is enough so we would never leave their collars off during the period we are up.

  • We keep collars on all the time, even back when we were showing. I have had too many escape artists just stroll out the front door with us, even when we were watching for them. Sidhe is so small, you just don't notice her at your side. Now everyone is crated, or held by their collars if company is leaving. A wider collar I think will prevent the broken hair problem, it did for us. Good luck. We have chipped Sidhe, Rogue goes for rabies & chipping next month and then Kell will be chipped in April when he gets his rabies. Have to do each a separate month to not hurt my budget too much.

  • As a dog lover in my 7th decade I have had a dog or dogs for all but the first 5 years and every one has been collared. It is just the last 4 years that I discovered the delights of B daddyhood, but old habits are hard to break and the first thing I do upon getting a new dog is fit him or her with a new adjustable 'quick disconnect' collar with an ID tag. As for the danger of injury from a collar, I have had one incident in all 66 years, about 35 years ago I had a fantastic mix breed, malamute, GSD, who thought nothing of jumping over the 5' chainlink in the back. One day while working in the back yard Marmaduke saw his best friend, the neighbor's Irish Setter come out. Unfortunately I had forgotten to remove his training collar, a choke collar that was just a little too long, and going over the fence the end of the collar caught on the top of the fence. Luckily it did not break his neck as it could have, but it did hang him about a foot from the ground. I ran to the fence and was able to reach over the fence and grabbed his front legs just at the shoulders and was able to lift him enough to relieve the pressure to his neck. My neighbor came out and was able to slip the collar over 'Duke's' head, freeing him. Needless to say, I have never put another choke collar on a dog since.

  • I know there has been lots of opinions on this one. I for one keep collars with ID tags on my dogs at all times(except bathing and drying). I know several people made the comment that their dog is older now and not one to escape. Just last week my 13yr old girl found a loose board in the fence and BAM she was out. This was early in the morning before we were up. If it wasn't for her tag we would not have gotten her back. The gentleman that found her wandering around the neighborhood brought her back to our house. Until this incident I though my 13 yr old could barely get up and down off the deck to potty but this didn't stop her from finding a way out.

  • I think I posted before about my oldy Jewel, who sedately walks along beside me and gives the impression that she just cannot go any faster who slipped her collar and chased one of our sheep across the field. You'd thnk she was 5 again - I couldn't catch her. Moral is don't believe a Basenji is ever too old to escape!! Jewel (is 16 plus)!

  • Basenjis will lie to you.

  • Congo has his collar on in the house unless we are sleeping. I have two roommates and I am always afraid that he might zip out the door when they do. His collar is always on the loosest notch and he could easily get out of it if it gets caught on something.

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