• We drove down to Tucson, Arizona on Saturday to pick up Flame. 😃

    While it was an exciting day for us, sadly, Tari had just buried her dog, Wave, that morning after it had been hit by a car after escaping from his new home. 😞

    Flame and Gracie had a chance to get reacquainted with each other and had fun playing. One thing we've discovered is that Gracie doesn't know when to stop playing, so we have to intervene occasionally so that everyone has a time out. Hopefully, she'll get over that once the novelty of having a puppy to play with wears off! 🙂

    Flame spent what seem like hours, but was probably only about half an hour, screaming, howling, and whining in his crate Saturday night until we put Gracie in with him. :eek: That quieted him down and we were able to sleep until around 4:00 AM when we had to get up and potty them.

    On our way back home on Sunday, we stopped at each rest stop we came to for a potty break. When Flame was returned to his crate, he'd spent the first few minutes, howling and whining, but each time, the time it took him to quiet down became less and less…so, hopefully, he'll turn into a good traveling dog, which will be a good thing, since we do a lot of traveling!

    Tari taught the puppies to go potty in an outside X-pen, so we've continued putting him in an X-pen for potty time. He pees and poops right away, which is wonderful...now if we could only teach Gracie to do the same thing! We do, of course, still take him and Gracie on several long walks each day. So far, knock on wood, there have been no accidents in the house because we've been hyper-vigilant in keeping an eye on him. He hasn't yet learned to let us know when he needs to go out, but that will come with time.

    I tried to upload pictures, but keep getting the message, "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing." I have no idea what that means and didn't have a problem uploading pictures on an earlier thread. 😞

  • Congrats, I?m so jealous. And now there won?t be as many pups for our puppy play day :(. My girlfriend and I are going to Tari?s at the end of March to pick up our puppy from Sherry who will also be there with all her puppies.

    If you need any pictures of him as a tinier puppy, let me know. I took some pictures of the puppies when we were there looking at them at just about a week old or so.

    Here are some pictures from when he was 4 weeks old.


  • Congrats on the new arrival! Post photos!!:)

  • @LindaH:

    I tried to upload pictures, but keep getting the message, "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing." I have no idea what that means and didn't have a problem uploading pictures on an earlier thread. 😞

    Check to see what the size (bytes) of the photos are. I seem to get that message if the file size is too big. I resize my pictures in Microsoft Paint.

  • @Kipawa:

    Check to see what the size (bytes) of the photos are. I seem to get that message if the file size is too big. I resize my pictures in Microsoft Paint.

    I'll try that, Fran…although the pictures I was trying to upload are the same size as the pictures I uploaded in the "We have an ETA!" post.

  • @etzbseder:

    If you need any pictures of him as a tinier puppy, let me know. I took some pictures of the puppies when we were there looking at them at just about a week old or so.

    Thanks, Michael. Tari did send me the pictures you posted as well as the pictures that were taken shortly after birth.

  • Well, I'll have to take back what I said about the pictures I was trying to post today being the same size as the pictures I posted previously. I used a different camera today, and just assumed that the pictures were 640x480 because every digital camera I've ever had before took pictures in that size. However, the pictures that this new camera takes are 4288x3216!!!

    So, now that I've resized them, they should load:

  • Such a cute baby!

  • Houston

    Adorable..congratulations Linda..how exciting.

  • Adorable! I have serious puppy-envy.

  • Here are the pics of all 4 of the pups from that litter. Tari’s Puppies

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