Welcome Mabel to her Forever Home!

  • Hi Everyone!
    I previously posted in the forum when we were in the "decision stage" of Basenji ownership. http://www.basenjiforums.com/showthread.php?t=9543
    I am happy to report that last week (February 5th) we drove from Green Bay, WI to North Branch, MN to pick up our new little pack member from Sally at Sonbar Basenjis. We had originally chosen a brindle female from Laura Mae Hess, but that female was doing SO well, that Laura decided to keep her to show (we didn't want to own a dog under a show agreement). Laura took to the task of finding us another little girl and led us to Sonbar.
    Our sweet Mabel is doing well and Cooper (our chihuahua) is getting used to her and they play together quite a bit. Cooper gets a little possessive of his toys and will tell Mabel to stay away…we are trying to stop that behavior and teach them to share.
    Mabel tries to encourage our 14 year old beagle Belle to play with her, but Belle almost always tells her no. Mabel keeps trying! 🙂
    Mabel is just a little over 2 months old now and she already knows the "Sit!" command. We are working on "Come" and "Down"...which she isn't picking up on as quickly. The word she hears most often, of course, is "No!"...which I'm hoping she will hear less and less as time goes on.
    She really enjoys going outside with the rest of her pack to do her business. We are teaching her to ring a bell before she goes outside also. She's not quite grasping that either. Once, I was in the kitchen and I heard the bell ring and was so excited. I rushed to the door only to find that she was biting the top of the bell (it's a bell like a hotel bell...or a service bell). I'm confident that she will get the hang of it.
    I've learned a lot just by reading through these forums and although I am not an active poster I just wanted to introduce my little girl to all of you. I respect all Basenji owners because I know that they are kind and patient people (you have to be with this breed!).
    Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope I won't be too much of a stranger in the future.

    Here is a photo of Mabel and my niece, Ava. Ava adored Mabel!

  • Mabel is adorable! And so is Ava. Stay with it - the lessons come slowly, that is, on HER terms, but they come. More pics please.

  • Congrats, I love Sallys dogs, she has been doing very well in rally with them, sounds like Mabel may have some talent for that too.

  • Too cute!!! Congrats on your new addition!:D

  • Congratulations! Mabel is just too cute.

  • Houston

    How adorable..and I love her name..Mabel..super cute. Welcome onboard…again.

  • Here are some more photos.
    We just love her to pieces! 🙂
    Ava thought this would "make a nice picture". lol

    The pack showing her how to take care of business

    Mabel's already showing Cooper her spirit!



    And more sleep!

    Showing off her new nametag 🙂

  • @Basenjimamma:

    How adorable..and I love her name..Mabel..super cute. Welcome onboard…again.

    We named her after my Grandma. I figured why not…since we don't have any human children....and I don't think my brother will use the name for the son he's expecting in May. lol

  • Such a cutie! Don't they look angelic when they're asleep?

  • @Marie:

    Such a cutie! Don't they look angelic when they're asleep?

    Angelic indeed!!! I love when she's asleep…she's so rubbery. But she is a lot of fun when she's awake...a lot of work, but a lot of fun.

  • so super cute!!!

  • Oh my goodness, unbearable cuteness… both pup AND Ava.
    Though really, you should get Ava into junior handling and start showing!

  • Mabel is such a sweet little girl, so pretty.

  • Congratulations on you gorgeous new Pup, how lovely that you have named her after your grandma

  • She is beautiful! I really enjoyed the series of pictures. They show her personality … and she seems like a real charmer!

  • Just adorable! Congrats on the new family member 🙂

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