Kaiser and his neuter and umbilical hernia repair

  • Hi all,
    Thought I would post as it has been quiet and people were getting restless, Kaiser had his neuter and umbilical hernia repair on the 20th March and had his stitches out on the 2nd April. 4 stitches for the neuter and 9 for the hernia. He was 8 months 1 week old when done. All went well, in at 8am and picked up at 3pm same day. He was a little out of it but keen to go poos as soon as we got out of the Vet clinic and no pain which amazed me I thought for sure it would be uncomfortable must be good pain relief. Got home and he went pees and then just settled down to some food and sleep, next day he was pretty much back to himself and from there it was a mission to keep him calm( seems to basenji 500 for quite a few reasons these days). He didn't lick his stitches much at all until a few days before they were removed, was a bit worried when he once had a go at pulling a stitch but didn't try again. Definitely found he missed going to the dog park, he was getting restless and he couldn't understand why I wouldn't let him play with the dogs we met on our walks. First day back at the dog park was when he got the stitches out and he was very good for the vet nurses as I stuffed yummy treats in his mouth while they did their thing. Went to the park when it was quiet and didn't stay long so as not to over do it. Overall the experience was good but don't want to do it again. Made sure the Vet knew about Basenji special requirements for surgery and had blood test done and had him on a drip etc and felt confident as my Vet had a lot of experience with greyhounds and has always taken care with my pets for the past 15 years so I had trust in him. So that's our story hope you enjoy.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Glad everything went so good! I know he'll be happy to be back at the park!

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