Very wordy. but concerns none the less (pics of luna and zee)
I went to visit Mrs. Reeds new puppies and my are they adorable!!This isn't Martha J Reed is it?
Who is Martha j reed?
Martha J Reed is a puppymiller who bred Simon, who is in rescue with BCOSW right now.
Oh no. I definately didnt see her dogs. lol. I was talking about Mrs. Terry Reed.
Did you upload pictures of Luna and Zee yet? Would love to see them now..We went and played when they were only 6 weeks old..too cute for words.
Oh of course Ill upload them now! I hope I can do it on this thread? Granted they arent the best because the puppies move so fast and we dont have as good of a camera but here they are!
luna is in the red collar and zee is in the pink collar
luna liked to climb on me
momma and dude playing with the pups
he stole the lobster!
i think dude liked my mom :) and i think I she liked him too
the cutest picture of zee
Dude looking for a light to catch
I love cute. Terry's dogs are so sweet..
Yes they are! I was just so fascinated lol
Thanks, Petra and Sarah!!
The pups had so much fun playing with you! They slept very peacefully afterwards :-)And Sarah, I'm impressed that you could post the pictures - I still can't!
Zee and Luna have had a busy 2 days - yesterday to the vet for shots and microchips, today they went to the veterinary opthamologist for their eye exams. They were SO good, even on lead for the first times!!