Wow, I love the range of answers!
Buana, looking at your list, it is surprising you ended up with such a "little" dog!
I am also super intrigued by the Azawakh, but I have never met one. Same with Saluki and Sloughi. Met a couple Pharaoh hounds before, and definitely find them to be graceful and captivating.
I've never heard of some of these other European breeds. So interesting… I'm amused that the official Cirneco dell etna page (US) calls them "The primitive hunter / bed warmer" right on the front page.
I have to admit that I am now quite turned off of Huskies because of my Shiba's shedding... the last thing I want is an even BIGGER dog with MORE double-coated fur that perpetually sheds! laugh Despite it all, lots of the Nordic breeds interest me. And we looked at a Lundehund before adopting Bowpi, but someone else gave him a loving home.