Sherwood's Breeding Plans 2010
I love how you can see that Bindi has her paw twisted so she can touch one of the puppies bums- too cute, what a good mom!
The babies are 2 weeks old now. When they aren't eating they are sleeping and when they aren't sleeping they are eating. Cute but still kind of boring lol. Pics and 1 video are now up.
I should have said to all on this forum as did Nothern Gurl that I do not want to hear from anyone - as I said I have no interest in hearing from any of you vultures. Already one person has made a disparaging comment that perhaps Twin Peaks is in actual fact the breeder. I am not the breeder!!!
You people r entitled to your opinion as is everyone on this forum. What you r not entitled to do is malign someones integrity. Which you have done with lies have truths - I find it all disgusting!!
Do not reply to me again - I do not care about your opinions. I have unsuscribed from this thread - good ridence to u! -
Why oh why did you attack this thread with your dribble drabble?
oh, thanks Lisa.
SOOOO….. ANYWAY.... :)
Robyn, can we see new pictures please? What are their personalities like? Is momma still as protective? Can dad still sneak in to see his babies? :) How are they all doing?
The pups are almost 5 weeks old now and Bindi shows no concern about Baron being around them. Bindi's yearling sons, Spot and Rainie, are too rambunctous to be around the pups while they are this small. A few days ago, I had forgotten to put up the x-pen baracade. The boys bolted past me when I brought them inside and they ran to the puppy pen. The door was open and Rainie hopped in while Spot looked in curiously. Bindi was watching them intently but didn't get too upset. I got the boys crated before they squashed the pups. I do not allow the other two girls near the puppy pen unless Bindi is outside. Both love babies and are very gentle with them.
The pups are developing slower than normal which leads me to believe they were born a few days premature. (They are 3-5 days behind where they should be.) They still sleep most of the time and the length of time that they are animated is brief so personalities are not apparent yet. I can see some things but they will go through many changes in the next 2-3 weeks so what they do right now may or may not be who they will end up being.
I uploaded photos of week 3 and week 4. The pictures are not very good though.
It's 3 am so I'm sorry for misspelled words and poor punctuation.
Thank you Robyn! I didn't mean to add to your busy day… but they are SO adorable! I love the video of puppy 1, where she is contently falling asleep in the middle of play time! (That reminds me of my husband, who will fall asleep if he sits down after 8 pm, no matter where he is! :))
Let Bindi know she did good! Has she recovered all right?
Robyn, the videos are sooo cute. Yes, they are behind mine, which are 1 day older than yours, but it must be because Bindi had them early. Sugar just baked hers too long trying to keep up with Big Sis. I'm sure one of these days Sugar and Bindi will have pups on the same day. We just keep getting closer and closer!
The "on switch" has been activated. My "sleepy angels" have turned into….....puppies. :eek:
Stacked photos and one video are located here.
So cute..thank you for sharing your bundles of joy.