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For Sale: Basenji pups For Sale in Nampa ID

Locked Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • @Patty:

    I'm not a breeder, just a basenji lover, and while I care about the dog's health, the papers that are often included with a purebred offer peace of mind, and then they are shoved into the back of a desk drawer. Being a purebred with papers doesn't mean that the dog's health is 100% clear… as evident if you look up my Lola in the OFA database (her birth name is Halo, Dec 2008).

    I'm still wanting pictures, because there's nothing more adorable than basenji puppies! :)

    Email me patty and I can send you some photos.

    rmholt1 @ mindspring. com

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Rose wrote to me..

    First, If my dogs are African Village dogs so is yours. You dont have any room to speak here.

    My post you to. Excuse me. I talked to folks at the national re my girl and her help with the basenji breed. They liked the other dogs brought over, but my Miss Wheat was NOT to their liking. Guess What Rose Marie. I didn't just go head and breed her. I got her fixed.
    Let me repeat. My girl would NOT be an asset to the new breeding project so I got her fixed.
    You on the otherhand, have just added to the "littering" of dogs across the US.
    Shame on you!!!

    Shame on ME?? For what? I have made so far 7 people happy. I will be adding to the genetic diversity of the US basenji. I have helped a family in Africa along with other friends. While looking for Macho I have helped resuce Shibas and basenjis. I dont judge your decision. You have no grounds to put me down here. You havent had to rescue one of my dogs, you have said that my work has helped dogs (transport) your words "saved their lives". I'd have bred to Wheat because I like the original basenji not the US brand as long as she was from a remote area and was like the originals.

    You dont like breeding but that is no excuse for excoriating people who dont agree with you. You have no reason to keep looking for reasons to call me names.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    So you look at the age of people to determine where they fit?
    I am not even going to respond except to point out one obvious issue… your last sentence ... you don't take your own advice. Oh wait, if you are YOUNG, then whatever spews forth is professional education. Got it.

    There arent any of the older wiser breeders on here. If you want calm intelligent discussion and rational exchange of ideas, there are better places. There are many.

  • @Patty:

    Interesting that this posting is about Avuvis - I understood from Manou who I believe is an acknowledged expert on Avuvis that they were not Basenjis but very different and distinct breed.

    She came over to Crufts one year and stood beside me near the Basenji ringside discussing the two breeds and categorically stated that Avuvis are different from Basenjis.

    I am now confused and perhaps somebody could enlighten me as we don't have Avuvis in the UK.

    MANOU? Isnt she from Cameroun? Anyway, I got my Avuvi info from a guy who has lived there his whole life. I didnt get any non-typical dogs. There are no nontypical dogs in the village. The population is very stable there. I went there to see how dogs and people interacted and how isolated this place could really be. This is a part of Africa that whites stayed out of due to mosquito borne illness. It isnt mexico city where loose dogs are everywhere. I have a whole chapter on that. But I was convinced. I saw for myself. I could not more have snatched a dog off the street than I could have jumped over the moon.

    I dont know who acknowledged Manou as an Avuvi expert but I wouldnt and no one else in the Avuvi program has ever called her that. SHe is entitled to her opinion but it isnt informed AFAIK

  • @Kipawa:

    :( :( "Extra" 3 dogs? Was this litter planned at all with a list of perspective buyers? It makes my heart sink to hear these little lives considered "extra", which to me comes across as "unintended" or considered "throw aways".

    Then it should make your heart sink to buy from a show breeder. The ones they dont want are sold as pets. They breed specifically to get this year's show dog.

    I screen my pet buyers as hard as anyone bc Africans are not your cookie cutter basenjis. They have traits that have not yet been bred out. Nothing bad, just different.

    I have one pup reserved. The rest are up for adoption. My last litters were oops (husbadn not up to speed and me out of town) and not one of those pups was "thrown away" - i do not appreciate you talking about my buyers that way!!

  • @Basenjimamma:

    I am confused, are they or are they not basenjis?…Some of them look the part but others don't...and even on Avuvi 2009 facebook page ( i.e Rose Marie H), it states that they are pretending to be basenjis...? well if they are basenjis why "pretend" to be like them..
    Maybe I am having a serious blond moment..I have been known to have those..:)

    Maybe I have a little bit of a sense of humor. None of these accusations and opinions about Avuvis are new since 2004. They have been run off of legitimate lists and are now at rest here.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I agree the stud book should be left open indefinitely. Anyway that will happen?

    Agree as well, on the studbook.

    Manou's "Avuvis" arenot the south Benin dogs - they arent from the same area, though they have the same "name"

  • @sinbaje:


    Since you presume to know me as you state "Once again…" and I do not know of any Jo's in the DRC, nor have had any conversations with any person who lives in the DRC I can only presume this is Jo Thompson from Ohio?

    Regardless, I would have you please re-read what I wrote before the public flogging; I specifically asked for credentials and stated "as far as I know..." so of course I do not know since I admitted as much. :O)

    Sorry, but I did not jump to any conclusions. Asking for more information is not jumping to conclusions - it is seeking more information in order to come to a conclusion, any conclusion. And since I have not studied the Avuvi to the degree you apparently have, I have little knowledge in who did what, and when and where, so I do appreciate the history lesson.

    Now then - I would love to hear what my agenda is if you would be so kind since I have no native dogs needing inclusion and do not plan to have any in the foreseeable future.


    Robert Dean got his information about Benin dogs (the CURRENT Avuvis) from A Peace Corp worker and a native friend of his. He did a lot of casting about before landing on this area. Manou was not part of the 2004 and 2009 Avuvi imports at all.

    The Fon language is spread along the coast of West Africa, not respecting country boundaries.

    Jo is known to have misstated and misquoted Robert in the past in an attempt to discredit him and the Avuvi dogs. Again, ,this kind of thing has been run off of the other lists, and has landed in this area. I have to admit it was amazing to see Robert actually have to get on the lists to refute some of these misstatements and clarify them in the middle of a personal crisis.

    Jo is known by me to have taken on a false identity in order to send information to someone involved in litigation with me. She could only have gotten the information only one way, which identified her as the culprit. She also offered to be of help against me. She had no personal interest in this litigation except to do something to me. I was cc'd all the info by the person she was trying to help and made a fool of herself with this person.

    So I wouldnt call her "facts" objective.

  • @tanza:

    Avuvi Afonhaan (aka Honey) was one out of that group that if she had been submitted for the stud books through the BCOA process, she more then likely would have been accepted. However that was never done by her owner. Remember all, not only do they need to be of Basenji Type, but need to have good temperaments, health testing, etc. So there was obviously some reason that this little bitch was never put up though BCOA to be judged and voted to be admitted to the stud books.

    Why dont you call Susan Patterson and ask her? There is NO REASON to keep Afonhaan out of the process that has to do with the dog or her pups (of which I have one, thank you, he is too tall to really show but was called "sound" by the judge. There isnt a thing wrong with him. Or with Honey. If she hasnt submitted yet, perhaps she has her reasons. Assuming there is something wrong is awfully presumptious and, in this case, wrong.

  • @Patty:

    Well, we all have to start at Post #1. And I say that respectfully to all newcomers here.

    What I don't "get" is when a new poster shows up, leaves an inflammatory statement, and then settles into the background. ??? I mean, if you want to join the conversation and debate with heartfelt emotions, that is great! But if there are no follow up postings, how can we "WELCOME" you to the forum? :)

    But alas, when I think of the different shades of blue… royal blue, turquoise, meadow blue, sky blue, cornflower, baby blue... there are many names for it. Miss Robyn... what are the other names for shades of gray? Grey? lol...

    :) Cheers! :) Marie, have you re-homed any pups yet, lol????? :D

    They are 4 weeks old. D'uh.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    I said: Even your involvement in the Lukuru project doesn't make you RIGHT or the ultimate expert on what is right for the breed.

    However, lol, Dr Jo didn't say anything about the last imports, her views, etc… she only attacked Linda and indicated she was spreading propaganda to promote her agenda. THAT is the issue. Had Dr Jo stated her OPINIONS and why, this would have been a very illuminating educational discussion. All she did was ascribe such motives as if anyone who disagreed must have them as they couldn't actually have such an opinion. She didn't even say even say what she was attacking or what she assumed those motives were.

    1. Jo has not seen my dogs, although she has tried to sneak her way in to see one of them by corresponding with someone who wants to adopt one of my imports, putting him in the middle.

    2. Jo is not a judge or in any way certified to tell if a dog had basenji type as defined in the Western world. It has long been known, since 1875, that dogs from different areas have a different look. So of course West Africans will look different from Congo dogs.

  • @Quercus:

    1. No, I wasn't saying you have a history of stirring up trouble…but you do seem to ask questions, or present ideas in a way that pisses people off...I don't always understand why. Marie has a history of stirring up trouble.

    2. No, I didn't read your post as an accusation. I was just posting a general note about this thread, not your post per se. My point was that not everybody knows that people here know each other, and sometimes have a history.

    3. No, I honestly don't know what JoT was referring to as your agenda. I didn't think you 'had a dog in this fight' so to speak....but I certainly am not privy the everyone's feelings or interactions with everyone else.

    Seriously, I was just trying to help people out who are regulars on this forum that are thinking "wth? why are these people so angry about this thread" I have no personal issues with anything you have posted here.

    My sin this time is to put up pups for sale and fielding accusations.

  • @rmholt:

    There arent any of the older wiser breeders on here. If you want calm intelligent discussion and rational exchange of ideas, there are better places. There are many.

    Sorry saw a few older wisers on here all of a sudden.

    You know who you are<g>

    I think about myself. If I were looking for a basenji from Africa, I would look under the category "basenji" so that is how I classify my dogs. Who would know to look under any other category I might make up? Again anyone inquiring gets plenty of information, probably more than they want.

    One thing I dont want is someone wanting to return a pup bc it isnt a "real" basenji, and since I have a take-back, I explain in great detail what the pups' heritage is.</g>

  • @rmholt:

    They are 4 weeks old. D'uh.

    :) :) OK, you can't accuse me of being a back yard breeder! lol :):)

    I still want to see baby pictures… and while it isn't any of my business, I wondered if you had commitments for these babies.... and if not, maybe this thread will continue until they are all gone? LOL :D What is the longest thread on here, anyway? :)

    Happy Holidays! Patty;)

  • @rmholt:

    Why dont you call Susan Patterson and ask her? There is NO REASON to keep Afonhaan out of the process that has to do with the dog or her pups (of which I have one, thank you, he is too tall to really show but was called "sound" by the judge. There isnt a thing wrong with him. Or with Honey. If she hasnt submitted yet, perhaps she has her reasons. Assuming there is something wrong is awfully presumptious and, in this case, wrong.

    Do not put words in my "mouth" or "posts". I said there must obviously be reasons that they have not been submitted. I did say she was not because there was something wrong with her….. I don't really care why they have not been, only stating that they have not been.

  • I was less happy waiting on Fanconi when I found out newer imports from Congo had the allele Previous imports from both areas were totally negative.

    If by previous you mean the 2006/7 Avongaras and the Lukurus then your statement is not accurate. One Avongara and at least one Lukuru are listed with the OFA as IND. As we all (should) know IND are to be treated as carriers at this time because we do not know exactly what they are but presume they are either clear OR carrier. Until the direct test or test breedings to DNA clears are done we will not know definitively.

  • @Patty:

    :) :) OK, you can't accuse me of being a back yard breeder! lol :):)

    I still want to see baby pictures… and while it isn't any of my business, I wondered if you had commitments for these babies.... and if not, maybe this thread will continue until they are all gone? LOL :D What is the longest thread on here, anyway? :)

    Happy Holidays! Patty;)


    As I said several times, I have photos and you can email me anytime and get them and any other info. I wont be back here unless necessary so messages to me through this thread or my profile might not get answered.

    One pup is spoken for, one of the males.

    Just had a lovely hour playing with the babies.


  • @sinbaje:

    If by previous you mean the 2006/7 Avongaras and the Lukurus then your statement is not accurate. One Avongara and at least one Lukuru are listed with the OFA as IND. As we all (should) know IND are to be treated as carriers at this time because we do not know exactly what they are but presume they are either clear OR carrier. Until the direct test or test breedings to DNA clears are done we will not know definitively.

    I meant the Avongaras of 1990 and the other Avuvis

    I know of the other two, that is what I was referring to as the two Congo dogs with the allele. AFAIK those are the only ones so far. I thought the other Congo dog was a CAR.

  • @rmholt:

    Fanconi is in process. Fanconi cam to light due to inbreedding. This doesnt mean I dont have affecteds or carriers and I do need to test. I was hoping to get a job but hasnt panned out so I am getting the testing now.

    Responsible breeders test BEFORE they breed. If they do not have the money to test then they don't breed. Doing anything else is IRRESPONSIBLE.

  • @rmholt:

    Shame on ME?? For what? I have made so far 7 people happy. I will be adding to the genetic diversity of the US basenji.

    You do know that what you just wrote is what any puppymiller, mutt breeder says. As for adding to the diversity, not if your dogs aren't admitted. And diversity of untested dogs.. that we don't need.


    There arent any of the older wiser breeders on here. If you want calm intelligent discussion and rational exchange of ideas, there are better places. There are many.


    Sorry saw a few older wisers on here all of a sudden.

    TRANSLATION: Agree with me, wise. Don't agree with me, stupid.


    Maybe I have a little bit of a sense of humor. None of these accusations and opinions about Avuvis are new since 2004. They have been run off of legitimate lists and are now at rest here.

    It is sad indeed that you don't realize claims to have "been run off the legitimate lists" means you might have bullied people to shut up or leave, it doesn't mean legitimate people with legit concerns don't question you.


    Responsible breeders test BEFORE they breed. If they do not have the money to test then they don't breed. Doing anything else is IRRESPONSIBLE.

    Exactly.. needs repeating.

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