• My baby girl is 8 today!

    I got her at exactly 8 weeks of age, to the day.

    We were going to change her name to Lucky. She was born with a herniated belly button. We fixed that when she got spayed. 1 week later she ripped her upper lip and gums up, somehow, in the yard. She now has a crooked smile and snores just a bit. A couple months later, she played in traffic and ran into a car. Broke her leg in 3 places. She still limps when walking but can run like the wind! 1 month ago she impaled herself on a stick at her most favorite place in the world, the Cedar River in Renton.

    She was the tiniest pup. We thought she would never grow! She's now at a healthy 29 lbs. Huge for a female but it totally fits her ragamuffin personality.

    She still loves to eat toilet paper. She checks the bathroom garbage daily to make sure someone wasn't stupid enough to actually put something in there! She eats dirt. She has caught many a pesky squirrel. She loves to eat lettuce. She's a digger, trying to dig to China every Summer but never quite making it. She loves crappy weather, getting wet & being dirty, and she never shivers. My little ragamuffin!

    I got her from a BYB in Auburn so she's Washington State born and raised. She just doesn't understand how other bs don't like getting their paws wet or who don't like running up to their bellies in the river. She will put her whole head underwater to pick up a rock. One of the funniest things I have ever seen! She must be part lab!

    Love this crazy baby girl! Here's to 8 more fun years!

  • Happy 8th Bandit! She's certainly a survivor! Great stories and pics! She's 29lbs?! Wow that's really big for a female.

  • Happy Birthday Bandit! What a beautiful story about her and I love the pictures, she's a pretty girl 🙂

  • Happy 8th Birthday Bandit.
    What a pretty girl she is and what an eventful life so far 🙂

  • Happy Birthday to Bandit! Lovely pictures - she is incredibly pretty. I hope the two of you form many more wonderful memories over the next many years.

  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO A PRETTY GIRL. Great pictures. Hugs to the Bandit and yes 8 plus more years.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    Happy Birthday Bandit..so glad to read your story. Wonderful pictures too. I especially love the one of her looking so pretty in the water.

  • Buddy and Bandit would get along great. He likes cold wet and dirty too. He eats mud and sod like it's chocolate cake. 😃

  • Happy Birthday and many happy returns. She looks a very pretty girl and is obviously adored.

  • Happy birthday to the bumbling bandit 🙂

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