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For Sale: Basenji pups For Sale in Nampa ID

Locked Basenjis For Sale or Wanted
  • Andrea, I do not want to assume here.

    1. Are you saying I have the history of stirring up trouble? If yes, could you elaborate - here or privately - whichever works for you as I have nothing to hide. I think folks can go back and read my whopping 157 posts to this forum in 4 1/2 years and find I have not stirred up any kind of trouble that I can recall.
      Yes - while I have differing opinions or ask some hard questions on various other lists - it is hardly troublemaking - it is just differing of opinions/asking questions and I have always been open, honest and very civil in all of my exchanges public and private-again hardly troublemaking.
    2. Did you really read my post as an accusation? Have you ever known me to not just say what I mean and mean what I say in what I hope is a very clear and conscise manner? If I meant to accuse anyone of anything in my recent posts, I would not have minced words about.
    3. Are you saying you feel as though I have an agenda but do not know what it is or are you saying you don't feel as though I have an agenda therefore you do not know what it is?
      If you feel I have an agenda - could you (or Jo or anyone else who is privvy to it) please elaborate what I could possibly have an agenda about. I mean I do not have any native stock therefore I have no vested interest at all so what is exactly is my motive for this perceived agenda?
      I am truly at a loss here. :O)
  • @sinbaje:

    Andrea, I do not want to assume here.

    1. Are you saying I have the history of stirring up trouble? If yes, could you elaborate - here or privately - whichever works for you as I have nothing to hide. I think folks can go back and read my whopping 157 posts to this forum in 4 1/2 years and find I have not stirred up any kind of trouble that I can recall.
      Yes - while I have differing opinions or ask some hard questions on various other lists - it is hardly troublemaking - it is just differing of opinions/asking questions and I have always been open, honest and very civil in all of my exchanges public and private-again hardly troublemaking.
    2. Did you really read my post as an accusation? Have you ever known me to not just say what I mean and mean what I say in what I hope is a very clear and conscise manner? If I meant to accuse anyone of anything in my recent posts, I would not have minced words about.
    3. Are you saying you feel as though I have an agenda but do not know what it is or are you saying you don't feel as though I have an agenda therefore you do not know what it is?
      If you feel I have an agenda - could you (or Jo or anyone else who is privvy to it) please elaborate what I could possibly have an agenda about. I mean I do not have any native stock therefore I have no vested interest at all so what is exactly is my motive for this perceived agenda?
      I am truly at a loss here. :O)

    I could be assuming here :rolleyes: but I didn't interpret Andrea's post being directed at you. This thread did start in a different subject than it is currently on. A new one really should be started if people want to keep discussing whatever the current subject has turned into, otherwise it's just going to get even more confusing.

  • @sinbaje:

    I do not know of any Jo's in the DRC, nor have had any conversations with any person who lives in the DRC I can only presume this is Jo Thompson from Ohio?

    Thank you for starting my day off with a smile. :D I do so appreciate your sense of humor to warm me up on this cold morning in Ohio.
    Although I have been on this forum since 2007, I only check in when I have been asked to read a thread or particular post.

    For those of you who do not understand the amusing implication of the comment above, of course Linda knows that I continue to live and work part of the time (and sometimes all of the time) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (as I have for nearly two decades). When I signed onto this group, I was in my Kinshasa (capital of the DRCongo) home. ;)

    Thank you for the laughter. Have a great day!

  • Well you know what they say about laughter…...glad I could be of service. Lord knows I try!


    "….. of course Linda knows that I continue to live and work part of the time ..."

    One thing I have found as I have gotten older - when a person thinks they know me (or worse - speaks for me) they tend to give me more knowledge than I can ever take credit for. Sorry Jo but I have to honestly say I do not know you live or have lived in the DCR - at least not by how I define "live". Yes, I know you have worked there studying Bonobo's - which of course (I assume) meant spending long stretches of time in their habitat but to me that is vastly different then taking up permanent residence.

    My ex-husband used to spend upwards of 6 months in once place (no place as cool as Africa though!) for work but we never considered him as being a resident of those towns even though he rented a house each time. Semantics? Most definitely but your implication is that I have intimate knowledge of your whereabouts or the number of homes you might own, when I do not (Ohio aside as that is in the BCOA Roster). I have never met you in person that I recall, have only seen you in person once or twice at a Specialty and we have only had a few dozen private exchanges in the time you have been in the breed, that were not at all personal in nature (ie exchanging of personal information), therefore the only knowledge I have about you is anything you have posted to the various lists or breed publications and or course my retention of it. I had no idea you actually had a house in the DRC - how cool is that? I always figured you "hung out with the natives" the whole time studying - as we see on the Nature shows. In light of that - I could definitely see the humor in my childlike thought process. Def. my bad.

  • @JoT:

    Thank you for starting my day off with a smile. :D …
    For those of you who do not understand the amusing implication of the comment above, of course Linda knows that I continue to live and work part of the time (and sometimes all of the time) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (as I have for nearly two decades). When I signed onto this group, I was in my Kinshasa (capital of the DRCongo) home. ;)

    Thank you for the laughter. Have a great day!

    I was angry and wrote a book, so going to edit down to essentials…

    I just clicked on your profile, and yeah it says where you are from. I am sorry, but why presume others KNOW who you are, that no other person from DRC might use "JoT" than the great Dr Thompson. Why not just say who you are? Frankly I wouldn't have suspected that the person making that post was the same one whose work I have so admired.

    Your indication that living in the DCR is proof of Manu's (or your) ultimate knowledge of Basenjis before... now you give me a reason to laugh. With a population of over 4 million, do you think that living there makes all those 4 million experts? Really? And even if in a group of 5 "experts," do you think you would get agreement? Really?

    Stating what you DID while there, yeah that has validity. But even your involvement in the Lukuru project doesn't make you RIGHT or the ultimate expert on what is right for the breed. People get to have opinions that differ from yours even if you single handedly found, brought every single dog here and funded it down to the penny (which you didn't). It is one thing to acknowledge contribution, however considerable, and another to assume those contributions mean you get to shut down and treat others with disrespect for different views. Nor does involvement in any number of projects, or considered an expert doesn't mean they are always right, doesn't mean they are really knowledgeable, doesn't mean they aren't driving their own "agenda" or "propaganda."

    Many ideas have been deemed wrong or stupid by vast majority of "experts," then proven that the majority was utterly WRONG and the stupid idea right. She didn't state facts, she stated her OPINION, to which she has as much right as you do.

    Had you simply stated who you were, your experiences and hers, discussed your VIEWS, great. But to indicate that just being FROM the Congo makes you experts and saying someone who disagrees with someone FROM there is INSULTING is ridiculous.

    The attack on Linda was unprofessional, uncalled for. You may have many valid views, sadly the attack blurred any valuable info.

    Btw, I thought her pretending to not be sure who you were was either diplomatic and giving you a nudge to introduce yourself or perhaps a jab at your ego since I am sure she knows most here who are not breeders didn't have a clue and your presumption EVERYONE DID was poke worthy.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Even your involvement in the Lukuru project doesn't make you RIGHT or the ultimate expert on what is right for the breed. .

    I disagree with you…. She is most certainly the expert on Lukuru project, as she IS the Lukuru Project. I don't think Dr. Jo ever said she was the ultimate expert on what was right for the breed, only pointing out that some of these last imports are not of Basenji Type, of which I fully agree.

  • @tanza:

    I disagree with you…. She is most certainly the expert on Lukuru project, as she IS the Lukuru Project. I don't think Dr. Jo ever said she was the ultimate expert on what was right for the breed, only pointing out that some of these last imports are not of Basenji Type, of which I fully agree.

    I said: Even your involvement in the Lukuru project doesn't make you RIGHT or the ultimate expert on what is right for the breed.

    However, lol, Dr Jo didn't say anything about the last imports, her views, etc… she only attacked Linda and indicated she was spreading propaganda to promote her agenda. THAT is the issue. Had Dr Jo stated her OPINIONS and why, this would have been a very illuminating educational discussion. All she did was ascribe such motives as if anyone who disagreed must have them as they couldn't actually have such an opinion. She didn't even say even say what she was attacking or what she assumed those motives were.

  • Pat,
    Is there somewhere to view the last imports? Are you talking about imports that were accepted into the AKC, or those not accepted or not applied for acceptance? I would love to see pictures and hear what you think is lacking … especially for any accepted. If not correct breed type, why were they accepted, or did the committee disagree and think they were okay?

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Is there somewhere to view the last imports? Are you talking about imports that were accepted into the AKC, or those not accepted or not applied for acceptance? I would love to see pictures and hear what you think is lacking … especially for any accepted. If not correct breed type, why were they accepted, or did the committee disagree and think they were okay? :)

  • @Patty:

    Janneke, I do not agree that any Basenji like dog, if healthy should be thrown into the gene pool, Cross breeds and mongrels would be then created. Why have a Basenji and then alter it? If people want to change a breed why pick such an ancient one? That's my opinion anyhow and I have spent most of my life endeavouring to breed an original type, which meant good temperament, character and intelligence. To each it's own, I agree.

    Patty, I agree. Not any Basenji like dog should be thrown into the gene pool. But that is not what is happening now or is it? There is a selection procedure that every dog has to go through. Not everyone will agree with the dogs being accepted, because everyone has his/her own view on how a Basenji should look and what is accepted in an import and what isn't. But no one is obligated to use the dogs in his/her breeding program. And we also have enough differences in pure bred lines.

    I think that if you would leave the stud book open, you can be more selective when accepting a dog. Now I get the feeling that people are rushing to Africa, grabbing every nice enough puppy they can find (;)) If the stud book is open you don't have to add new dogs every year, you can wait and see, maybe import dogs and see what they produce before accepting them etc. I have to admit, I don't like all the dogs accepted either.. But I don't agree that breeding them will only create mongrels and cross breeds. We are not adding just any dog, but a dog that resembles our pure breds really close/close enough.

    I sometimes wonder if the Basenji is really ancient.. or really new… We picked a couple of dogs and decided that was the Basenji.. I think a fully closed population with such a small basis will ruin our beautiful breed. I would then rather vote for a little bit of "mongrelness".. (adding dogs who are maybe from the same 'ancient' type of dog..)

  • Thank you for the link. I had actually seen those before but forgot. I remember thinking a few looked far from what I would have selected… but then I also was taken aback a bit by a couple of them that actual breeders probably agree look fine. I do remember about 7 or 8 yrs ago seeing some dogs the breeders told me were African imports at a dog show and I was well, underwhelmed with looks and frankly the huge sizes and ahem... the obesity of a couple of them. But I am NOT a breeder, will never be. I wish someone would start a new thread in the breeding section and link and critique each of the new imports (ie since 2006) so those of us who are not breeders can get an idea about what you all see and different views.

    Edited note to non breeders/show folks for clarification: These were not imports, this was before the recent ones and certainly adult dogs.

    I don't guess there is a link to dogs submitted who didn't make it?

    On the open registry.. again not a Basenji breeder and I do believe such decisions should be from you folks only. But health wise, with such a small gene pool in the US, perhaps another option would be to open 5 yrs, close 10 while you solidify the dogs brought in, see what they produce, see what is needed? Is that an option with BCOA? I didn't think AKC would allow extended open stud book no matter what the club wanted but have never looked up the regs.

  • Here is a page with evaluations from dogs accepted in 2009:

  • Again as already noted, AKC would only approve the books to be open for 5 years

  • @tanza:

    I disagree with you.... She is most certainly the expert on Lukuru project, as she IS the Lukuru Project. I don't think Dr. Jo ever said she was the ultimate expert on what was right for the breed, only pointing out that some of these last imports are not of Basenji Type, of which I fully agree.

    Perhaps your reply was sent a bit hastily Pat, and subsequently is not quite accurate. In a direct quote from Jo Thompson a currently active website, <> Credit must be given to the other members of the conservancy group, namely Karla Schreiber, Parry Tallmadge, Kevin and Terese Leimbeck, all of whom have been active with basenjis for more than 3 years. It is a well presented site, with attractive current photos(at least up to 11/09/10) with the cute litter of puppies sired by Lukuru Amisi who was accepted into the AKC via the open stud book application approved by the BCOA last year.
    In the JoT of the DRC post, I did not see anything about typiness of any imports, hers or any others.
    Katy Scott

  • @sinbaje:

    Andrea, I do not want to assume here.

    1. Are you saying I have the history of stirring up trouble? If yes, could you elaborate - here or privately - whichever works for you as I have nothing to hide. I think folks can go back and read my whopping 157 posts to this forum in 4 1/2 years and find I have not stirred up any kind of trouble that I can recall.
      Yes - while I have differing opinions or ask some hard questions on various other lists - it is hardly troublemaking - it is just differing of opinions/asking questions and I have always been open, honest and very civil in all of my exchanges public and private-again hardly troublemaking.
    2. Did you really read my post as an accusation? Have you ever known me to not just say what I mean and mean what I say in what I hope is a very clear and conscise manner? If I meant to accuse anyone of anything in my recent posts, I would not have minced words about.
    3. Are you saying you feel as though I have an agenda but do not know what it is or are you saying you don't feel as though I have an agenda therefore you do not know what it is?
      If you feel I have an agenda - could you (or Jo or anyone else who is privvy to it) please elaborate what I could possibly have an agenda about. I mean I do not have any native stock therefore I have no vested interest at all so what is exactly is my motive for this perceived agenda?
      I am truly at a loss here. :O)
    1. No, I wasn't saying you have a history of stirring up trouble...but you do seem to ask questions, or present ideas in a way that pisses people off...I don't always understand why. Marie has a history of stirring up trouble.
    2. No, I didn't read your post as an accusation. I was just posting a general note about this thread, not your post per se. My point was that not everybody knows that people here know each other, and sometimes have a history.
    3. No, I honestly don't know what JoT was referring to as your agenda. I didn't think you 'had a dog in this fight' so to speak....but I certainly am not privy the everyone's feelings or interactions with everyone else.
      Seriously, I was just trying to help people out who are regulars on this forum that are thinking "wth? why are these people so angry about this thread" I have no personal issues with anything you have posted here.
  • @DebraDownSouth:

    I was angry and wrote a book, so going to edit down to essentials…

    I just clicked on your profile, and yeah it says where you are from. I am sorry, but why presume others KNOW who you are, that no other person from DRC might use "JoT" than the great Dr Thompson. Why not just say who you are? Frankly I wouldn't have suspected that the person making that post was the same one whose work I have so admired.

    Your indication that living in the DCR is proof of Manu's (or your) ultimate knowledge of Basenjis before... now you give me a reason to laugh. With a population of over 4 million, do you think that living there makes all those 4 million experts? Really? And even if in a group of 5 "experts," do you think you would get agreement? Really?

    Stating what you DID while there, yeah that has validity. But even your involvement in the Lukuru project doesn't make you RIGHT or the ultimate expert on what is right for the breed. People get to have opinions that differ from yours even if you single handedly found, brought every single dog here and funded it down to the penny (which you didn't). It is one thing to acknowledge contribution, however considerable, and another to assume those contributions mean you get to shut down and treat others with disrespect for different views. Nor does involvement in any number of projects, or considered an expert doesn't mean they are always right, doesn't mean they are really knowledgeable, doesn't mean they aren't driving their own "agenda" or "propaganda."

    Many ideas have been deemed wrong or stupid by vast majority of "experts," then proven that the majority was utterly WRONG and the stupid idea right. She didn't state facts, she stated her OPINION, to which she has as much right as you do.

    Had you simply stated who you were, your experiences and hers, discussed your VIEWS, great. But to indicate that just being FROM the Congo makes you experts and saying someone who disagrees with someone FROM there is INSULTING is ridiculous.

    The attack on Linda was unprofessional, uncalled for. You may have many valid views, sadly the attack blurred any valuable info.

    Btw, I thought her pretending to not be sure who you were was either diplomatic and giving you a nudge to introduce yourself or perhaps a jab at your ego since I am sure she knows most here who are not breeders didn't have a clue and your presumption EVERYONE DID was poke worthy.

    Sorry Debra…you are wrong here...completely wrong.

  • @Katheris:

    Perhaps your reply was sent a bit hastily Pat, and subsequently is not quite accurate. In a direct quote from Jo Thompson a currently active website, <> Credit must be given to the other members of the conservancy group, namely Karla Schreiber, Parry Tallmadge, Kevin and Terese Leimbeck, all of whom have been active with basenjis for more than 3 years. It is a well presented site, with attractive current photos(at least up to 11/09/10) with the cute litter of puppies sired by Lukuru Amisi who was accepted into the AKC via the open stud book application approved by the BCOA last year.
    In the JoT of the DRC post, I did not see anything about typiness of any imports, hers or any others.
    Katy Scott

    Katy, Dr Jo (who can obviously speak for herself) in that post was speaking about breeding her Lukuru Basenjis and the help she has received from Karla, Parry, and the Leimbacks (Kevin and Therese). While they may have assisted with "instructing" about basenji type and conformation, it
    Dr Jo was the one who "found" and picked out and "brought" back the Lukuru Dogs and she alone... so in fact, as far as I am concerned, the Lukuru Project is hers and hers alone. Now to bring that line further forward she had enlisted the assistance of known Basenji people, owners, Breeders, etc with Karla, Parry and the Leimbscks (Kevin and Therese) along with presenting her Lukuru Basenjis for approval into the AKC stud books.
    So, no I did not reply too hastily.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Is there somewhere to view the last imports? Are you talking about imports that were accepted into the AKC, or those not accepted or not applied for acceptance? I would love to see pictures and hear what you think is lacking … especially for any accepted. If not correct breed type, why were they accepted, or did the committee disagree and think they were okay?

    While I might have seen pictures of some or seen some in person that have never applied for acceptance, I really can't or would not comment on their merits (good or bad).
    So I am only speaking of the ones that have been accepted and yes I do think they have Basenji Type and good conformation… and as with every Basenji they have faults. I think that if you read the evaluations they are pretty right on about the conformation of these Basenjis.

    By the way, there is no link to ones that did not make it, as only the ones that passed the evaluations were put up to BCOA members for vote.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    Thank you for the link. I had actually seen those before but forgot. I remember thinking a few looked far from what I would have selected… but then I also was taken aback a bit by a couple of them that actual breeders probably agree look fine. I do remember about 7 or 8 yrs ago seeing some dogs the breeders told me were African imports at a dog show and I was well, underwhelmed with looks and frankly the huge sizes and ahem... the obesity of a couple of them. But I am NOT a breeder, will never be. I wish someone would start a new thread in the breeding section and link and critique each of the new imports (ie since 2006) so those of us who are not breeders can get an idea about what you all see and different views.

    I don't guess there is a link to dogs submitted who didn't make it?

    On the open registry.. again not a Basenji breeder and I do believe such decisions should be from you folks only. But health wise, with such a small gene pool in the US, perhaps another option would be to open 5 yrs, close 10 while you solidify the dogs brought in, see what they produce, see what is needed? Is that an option with BCOA? I didn't think AKC would allow extended open stud book no matter what the club wanted but have never looked up the regs.

    I don't know if there have been any dogs submitted that didn't make it? Maybe someone with more knowledge can answer? Most of the people doing the submitting have a good idea whether or not the dog will meet the criteria. And if they don't, the people doing the evaluations would let them know if there was a signficiant problem. I believe you get all your evaluations together first and THEN submit to the BCOA.

    IMO the dogs that are not being considered for the stock project, but bred from none the less, have some significant phenotypic deviations from the standard…namely significantly different coloration and bushy/shaggy hair. You will hear lots of reasons, and excuses of why this is...but in reality, everybody needs to make up their own mind about what is a isn't always an easy determination....and we don't all have to agree. But everyone who is a member of the BCOA and anybody who considers themselves a basenji fancier, needs to educate themselves about the issues.

    Also, IMO...some of the original Avuvis should have been submitted for inclusion, including Honey, Macho...and at least one of Anne Humphries' dogs (can't remember the names)...but for whatever reason, they weren't/aren't.

  • @sinbaje:

    Andrea, I do not want to assume here.

    1. Are you saying I have the history of stirring up trouble? If yes, could you elaborate - here or privately - whichever works for you as I have nothing to hide. I think folks can go back and read my whopping 157 posts to this forum in 4 1/2 years and find I have not stirred up any kind of trouble that I can recall.

    Yes - while I have differing opinions or ask some hard questions on various other lists - it is hardly troublemaking - it is just differing of opinions/asking questions and I have always been open, honest and very civil in all of my exchanges public and private-again hardly troublemaking. .

    Well….I guess so...if open, honest and very civil includes written words DRIPPING with sarcasm.

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