2 r/w pups for sale- Dallas-11/18/10

  • I think the point being made is that the forums have rules about posting dogs dogs for sale or available and the person who keeps posting craigslist ads for these dogs across the country is bypassing these rules by doing so.

    These dogs may need rescuing but posting their owners ads in this forum is not rescuing it is promoting their sale for the owners.

  • I see your point. It makes sense. I also appreciate people helping make me aware of postings such as these because I then send the ad owner an email asking them to consider handing them over to BRAT rescue.


    I think the point being made is that the forums have rules about posting dogs dogs for sale or available and the person who keeps posting craigslist ads for these dogs across the country is bypassing these rules by doing so.

    These dogs may need rescuing but posting their owners ads in this forum is not rescuing it is promoting their sale for the owners.

  • And if they wanted to send a PM to you of those listings that would be within list rules or sending the listings to the BRAT coordinators for the areas the postings are in. But the continual postings is just free advertising for the owners. There are several members of this forum community that have adults that need homes and are not rescues and follow the list rules. And yet this person who has good intentions draws attention away from those dogs and the posters who are following the rules with all of these craigslist ads.

  • Wow, sorry but very petty... the intent isn't to SELL the dogs. The person with the animals isn't listing them, the person is listing as heads up for rescue. The responses aren't about BUYING but helping rescue them or educate the owners. So actually if the person were listing to SELL them it would be against forum rules. The dogs being shared aren't detracting ANYTHING from anyone who is listing a dog for sale. Unless you mean pointing out that many unethical people list dogs on Craigslist and how many dogs are out there needing rescue detracts from people buying a dog from a breeder.
    Will anyone with craigslist basenji just send them to me or directly to Debbi Johnson
    "Debbi Johnson"

  • Actually, the intent isn't just to give a heads up to rescue but also to members of this forum who may be interested in adopting a basenji and by representing them as "rescues" by posting them here they are possibly misrepresenting the dogs and may even be inadvertently advertising for scammers.

    If rescuers are interested, you can arrange it so you get notified when new craigslist ads for basenjis are posted. They do not need someone posting these advertisements to a public forum essentially advertising for the craigslist posters.

  • I have sort of mixed feelings about this. I do believe many dogs posted on CL are rescues. I do believe that the malinois I adopted off CL was a rescue and if we had not adopted her, she'd have ended up in the pound. Or the pound then malinois rescue or the pound then some totally unprepared home. And let me tell you my basenjis are EASY dogs compared to this malinois. No comparison.

    BUT i do think that someone posting one or more than one young puppy is NOT a rescue but a BYB. These type of posts are against CL rules.

    I guess bottom line is that it is up to the admin to decide if these posts are okay as rescues or not.

  • I agree that some of the dogs on Craigslist really are rescues and some need rescuing. I have two issues though, one the person posting these listing on a regular basis has no idea if they are legitimate or not and two, this forum isn't really rescue and though rescuers are reading the forum it would be more effective to directly communicate with a rescue contact. Not only would doing so insure that rescue was aware of the dogs but also keep the craigslist advertiser from being emailed by multiple people all trying to help without knowing who else is doing what.

  • Good point Ivoss, because while i do send all I see on to BRAT, it would be great if someone simply got all those notices and forwarded directly. Yet others on here have contacted listings to educate and I think having multiple contacts to the person is a good thing… they can blow off one letter of advice. Perhaps the poster could volunteer with BRAT to contact, send info and handle these as well as forward?

  • I apologize to all that are offended by me posting Craig's List ads on here.

    As Debra said, I have NO financial interest in these dogs. I am not a member of BRAT, nor do I know any of them on a personal basis. I thought that if I posted the dogs on here, I would be doing a service to rescue groups, breeders (whose dogs are being re-sold), and people with lost dogs (where someone is selling the found dog as if it's their own).

    I am not trying to promote the selling of basenjis on Craig's List. I do NOT change the listing; I post it verbatim. If you are on this forum, chances are you KNOW what a basenji is, and it's not just a cute dog with wrinkles and a curly tail. I've rescued three basenjis off of CL, and my sister has rescued one. The adoption/re-homing fees were $300, $125, $0, and $0.

    And for the record, "this poster" has a name, which is Patty M. If you have a problem with me, perhaps YOU could be kind and send me a personal message instead of blasting me on this forum? If YOU don't like what I've posted, why not contact the moderators and ask them to remove my threads?

    This forum "belongs" to the community, does it not? Or is it an exclusive club, where the person with the most number of posts wins? 🆒

  • No, the person with the most posts doesn't win. IMO, I like the fact that folks share what they see in the CL ads. I understand BRAT is working to set up some folks who will check these ad's and work to educate the posters, re the rehoming of b's.
    THANK you all who care enough about b's who are without a loving home to share them with me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    No, the person with the most posts doesn't win. IMO, I like the fact that folks share what they see in the CL ads. I understand BRAT is working to set up some folks who will check these ad's and work to educate the posters, re the rehoming of b's.
    THANK you all who care enough about b's who are without a loving home to share them with me. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    Sharron, my snark certainly wasn't directed at you. :p I figured if I searched all of Craig's, it would be a time saver for people like you that are devoted to rescuing basenjis… which is where this topic is located. 😉

  • I do think my posting these dogs to BRAT has made them realize they need to have folks who make it their "job" non paid, laugh, to check these ads.
    No worries Patty M. I know anyone who cares enough to post dogs who need a forever home, has a good heart.
    Hugs my unmet friend.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    The dogs being shared aren't detracting ANYTHING from anyone who is listing a dog for sale. Unless you mean pointing out that many unethical people list dogs on Craigslist and how many dogs are out there needing rescue detracts from people buying a dog from a breeder.

    Actually, the two puppies in this Craigslist ad are for sale by a BYB so reposting the ad on the forum is potentially helping the BYB to sell the pups. As LVoss pointed out, the forum has rules about selling puppies and ads like this do, in a sense, violate list rules.

    OR, LOL send to me and I'll write the people and tell them to please come post their cheap rescue worthy dogs here… now THAT would actually bite into the homes of breeders.

    Now that is a lovely attitude. 😞

  • Robyn i was being sarcastic! Come on, they post here and we'd chew them up and spit them out. The comparison of their dogs with responsible breeders would BOOST, not hurt you. In fact, the posting of these dogs leads to debates that anyone here reading would JUMP to breeders, not the craigslist. Honest, I see those postings as an advertisement for those of you who do it right!

  • Debra, I think we share the same sense of humor:), lol, and irony too!

    I agree that the posting of these CL dogs, whether you call them rescues or livestock, only strengthens the importance of finding a responsible breeder…. the person (Donna) at the start of this thread was a suspicious poster to me, as well as to others.... so if someone new to the basenji breed sees this string, perhaps they will heed, "buyer beware".

  • Well I understand it wasn't a good idea to use sarcasm… Robyn has adults she is trying to place, a new litter on the way, and finding homes right now is a hot button. I should have spelled it out not depended on anyone to get it. And I would sure hate someone new here to think I SERIOUSLY think the craigslist dogs are an option over legit rescues and responsible breeders.

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