• First Basenji's

    SHH!… I'm not missing the snow one bit here.
    Poor B's. At least they look stylin' in their winter gear.

  • Steven, what brand of jackets are those that have an opening for a harness?

  • Great pic, they realy look as if they are considering whether to risk it,lol

  • @LindaH:

    Steven, what brand of jackets are those that have an opening for a harness?

    Those are the Lands End Dog Squall jackets: http://www.landsend.com/pp/DogSquallJacket~213057_-1.html


    Those look like some pretty cozy coats you have on your Bs. It's pretty cold up your way and that cold is headed down our way here in the San Francisco area in the next day or two. There's actually a prediction of some snow.

    The Bs had doggie sweaters and their jackets on, but even then Rocky was shivering.

    My wife and I are headed to San Francisco this weekend, and the Bs are coming with! I was hoping the weather would be a bit better down south!

  • Hi Steven,

    I live in Renton & my 2 actually enjoy the snow…. in small increments and only to go out in the yard and scare the birds off the birdfeeder. They more enjoy sitting in front of the fire.

    Hunter (with the red jacket) weighs only 20lbs and shivers when it goes below 70! Bandit was wearing a bandana as a fashion statement because she recently impaled herself on a stick down by the Cedar River.

    We can't wait for all this to melt in 2 days!

  • @vickilb:

    Hi Steven,

    I live in Renton & my 2 actually enjoy the snow…. in small increments and only to go out in the yard and scare the birds off the birdfeeder. They more enjoy sitting in front of the fire.

    Hunter (with the red jacket) weighs only 20lbs and shivers when it goes below 70! Bandit was wearing a bandana as a fashion statement because she recently impaled herself on a stick down by the Cedar River.

    We can't wait for all this to melt in 2 days!

    We are just getting hit today with that very cold air coming down from the Northwest. It's interesting the way the different Basenjis, like people tolerate hot and cold. Now Buddy, 28 lbs will get very hot on hikes when temps are in the low 70s and has to stop here and there in the shade to cool off. He likes the cold. Wet weather is no problem either.

    My previous 2 did not like the cold, had thinner fur and would shiver in the house at temps of 65. My first tri Basenji had no problem with the cold like Buddy I think because of the thicker fur. Hot weather just does Buddy in.

  • @nobarkus:

    We are just getting hit today with that very cold air coming down from the Northwest. It's interesting the way the different Basenjis, like people tolerate hot and cold. Now Buddy, 28 lbs will get very hot on hikes when temps are in the low 70s and has to stop here and there in the shade to cool off. He likes the cold. Wet weather is no problem either.

    Roxy doesn't seem to mind the cold, but she does hate the wet. She's a chunky 25 lbs (but is on a diet) and she's fine to run down the steps of our back deck when it's time to use the bathroom. She also doesn't do too well in the heat of summer. I expect she'll do better when she slims down a little.


    My previous 2 did not like the cold, had thinner fur and would shiver in the house at temps of 65. My first tri Basenji had no problem with the cold like Buddy I think because of the thicker fur. Hot weather just does Buddy in.

    That sounds like Rocky. He's first to get to the back door when they need to go outside, but once outside in the snow he hangs around on the deck by the door until Roxy comes bounding outside. He's also usually the first one back.

  • We've gotten the first of our winter weather. Batman, the chiweenie, has been trying to snuggle UNDER Nayru. She's patient until she's not. LOL

  • We had our first snow today and the Basenjis are going mad!! Bungwa has spent the whole day playing outside but the others are not quite as stalwart (including me!!).

  • Wow, I cant imagine!!, Ayo and I are sitting here in our apartment with blankets and a sweater, FREEZING, cause there is a cold front and the temps gone down to 20 celcius, .. About 69 fahrenheit

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