Juliette, most Americans speak one language only. Anyone ever not in awe of you even TRYING much less how well you do it, well, forget them. You do fine. And your dog is SOOOOO cute!
beautiful dog! and your english is fine! if you only knew how some americans speak english, you would be horrified (as i write with no capital letters)!
@annie In that case, Spice is already in the data base. Pam is always very quick to send me all their litter details. You can go and have fun tracing your pup right back through generations of well known Basenjis.
Email me a photo with his registered name so I can embed it into his pedigree.
@CrazySenji Ok, Thanks for the update! I'd noticed that his site was out dated but, I thought he might be taking a break or something. Thank You again. I've got that info written down!! Nancy B.
Welcome to the forum! Please forgive the delay in welcomes, the forum has been hiccuping and not showing new posts for a while. Hopefully the new format will fix that!
I agree across the board. DaysiefromBenin, my older dog (Ty) takes one sniff of a cooked egg and he's out the dog door puking. The smell alone puts him over the edge.
Both mine have occasional ETS if they snarf all their food early morning. I use a cheese slice on a cracker and that stops the tummy grumble and tendency to vomit.
(Tyler's tummy can sometimes be heard from over 5 feet away)
No confirmed plans, as of yet. But they should solidify with in the next few weeks. We have been thinking of "wintering" in Berlin until February. We also we'll be in Münich visiting some friends. I'm really excited to go, since there are so many more B's in Germany than Switzerland. In fact Lycia's father, C-Quest's Echo of Eldorado is there as well. =)