• Mostly , Malaika is a great girl but on occasions when out walking she digs all four feet in and refuses to budge .
    Sometimes the reason is obvious like if it's raining but at other times it's not as clear, she isn't particularly wanting to sniff, just stand.
    She is allowed plenty of time to dilly dally when it is appropriate but there are times when we don't want this and we expect her to walk nicely on the lead.
    She understands leave it, come and heel but totaly ignores us when she is in this mode.
    We have tried several approaches including verbal commands, a sharp tug on the lead and literaly just dragging her. Offering treats gives some success but then she will do it again soon after. We hate to pull her as obviously she chokes and i'm concerned about hurting her neck.
    Anyone else had this problem ??

  • Heeling while walking, IMO, is extremely difficult for the highly inquisistive basenjis. I've had three and while they all heeled beautifully in obedience class or in the training room or other such places, once on a walk all bets were off. The hunting search instinct took over.

    However, a racing friend showed me how to "force" dogs along by looping the leash under their belly and holding on to the loop and the upper leash so you have a pseudoharness. The dogs immediately stopped being obnoxious and moved along. It works but requires a long leash to be effective.

  • Thanks Wizard, that's a good tip about creating a pseudoharness.

  • Mine will walk in the rain for cheese bribes.

  • We used to have a problem while walking that we called "digging in of heels" where Ella would just put on the brakes and refuse to move for no apparent reason. Her four paws somehow glued to the ground. It became chronic. When it happens for an obvious reason I don't consider it the same behavoir–she is very alert and I respect that. I don't know how old your dog is or if this is a new behavoir.

    This happened in the first year or so we had Ella (she was still a puppy) and we determined it was mostly the result of her not respecting us as leaders. She was intensely shy and scared when we got here. More than with most breeds, you can't force a Basenji to do much of anything. They have to willingly agree. Ella just did not feel confident following us at all times, so sometimes she would just freeze up and appear to be almost lost and you would have to drag her along.

    In our case, we found that the solution was (with the help of a trainer) adopting several habits to reinforce our position as pack leaders, as well as beginning obedience/command training. The leadership habits are things like making sure you are first when entering and leaving through doors, you eat before your dog, sitting politely before she gets her food or goes out the door, no treats without working for them. Daily obedience command training also helped reinforce our postion and got her used to obeying us and focusing her attention on us. Also, you can tell she really loves it. She is smart and gets to show it off and enjoys the praise and rewards.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Mine will walk in the rain for cheese bribes.

    Sharron, this made me giggle 🙂

  • Fran, my 3 will tap dance if they knew how for cheese!
    Re training, I think everyone who has a behavior issue with their b will find that most issues resolve with a gentle basic training class.
    I know this works for Wheat.

  • Shelley - I think Malaika is just being a typical Basenji. When you've determined that she has no good reason to 'dig in' then it's just a matter of gentle persuasion in my opinion.

    I'm a greart believer in gentle persuasion in these circumstances. I think trying to just pull her is not the answer. Is she on a normal lead? If so just gently 'jiggle' it - I find that that's sufficient just to get mine moving again. I open and close my hand holding the lead rapidly. Another thing I do is say something excitedly such as 'look Malaika'. To Jewel I just say 'Where's the rat?'!!!! and she's immediately on the move again.

  • Try walking TWO b's. LO L well, really they are the ones laughing. 🙂
    They both do it but very rarely, if ever at the same time!! usually one is gung ho and the other is stopped. Doesnt happen hardly ever, but when it does, it is usually for 5-10 seconds and i just stand and wait and then say ok lets go. and we do. but i do know exactly what you mean. NOT moving… silly dogs.

  • Thanks everyone for your replies, Malaika is doing very well at her training, we do go to classes and work hard at home. Mostly she is very good on the lead (for a Basenji ;)), it's just this problem with Muleish behaviour, she's nearly 11 months Bcraig and probably just trying it on.
    I will try the cheese Sharon and the persuasion and kidology, thanks everyone for the reminders.

  • Shelley you might try a harness, then you can pull along without choking. I agree, when you can understand the stopping, allow it for a little but then say enough. I have to admit walking on a leash nicely is one of my "things." Whether because of my torn rotator cuff or carpal tunnel or what, I don't expect dogs to pull on me. There are times when I use a long leash so they have room to explore, but mine learn never to hit the end of the leash or it's back to heeling fast.

    That said, then there is Angel the Rottie. You'll feel better when you consider how bad it could be. Angel, bless her heart, was a big girl. About 100 pounds. And when she got ready to stop, she THREW herself on the ground. When I pulled her from the shelter and fostered her, I had her in a harness because of the severe neck damage due to chain embedded in the skin. The first time she did it to me, I made my daughter go in the bedroom and shut the door because I wasn't sure what she would do when I hauled her moose butt off the floor.

    What she did was walk a few steps and FLING herself back on the ground.

    So my buddy in Indiana adopted her. She said one day out walking a neighbor came up to her and said she had saved them lots of money over the last 2 years. She said "how?" He said, we don't have to go to the movies for entertainment, we just come out and watch you walking Angel. 🙂

    Fortunately she was very food motivated, so when she was honored at a dog show, they were able to get her around the ring with food, lol. She also got an award after she died 😞

    Einstein Award for Outstanding Rottweiler Ambassador

    The Einstein Award for Outstanding Rottweiler Ambassador will be presented posthumously to a deserving canine candidate who died in the calendar year prior to the National Specialty and who was distinguished in the area of therapy, rescue or education. A perpetual trophy will be maintained by Dede and Mark Brownstein and the recipient will receive an engraved plaque for permanent possession.

    This Year’s Recipient Is:

    • Angel, owned by Kathy Lovan

    She was rescued by Kathy & Dennis Lovan - INKY (Indiana/Kentucky Rottie Rescue). She has been a 'mother figure' for rescues and became a spokesdog for INKY, attended pet fairs and helped to educate the public. Read her story at http://beauproductions.com/angel/

    So just remember, it could be worse. You could have a 100 pound dog-mule instead of a 25 pound one. 🙂

  • Good luck. Let us all know how it goes.

    Rita Jean

  • Debra,
    the story about Angel and the neighbours made me smile, yes i guess 25 lbs is better than 100 lbs digging in,lol.
    I had a look at the link about Angels award but i'm afraid i couldn't read on, some people are monsters.
    Malaika actualy means Angel too in Swahili.

  • @thunderbird8588:

    Malaika actualy means Angel too in Swahili.

    Okay that kind of gave me chills. Of the good kind. If there is such a thing as reincarnation and you got Angel, you truly are blessed. She was a wonderful dog who lived a long happy life with Kathy. Hence the good ambassador awards.

    The only other advise I have is to get her checked, especially heart, JUST to make sure no health issues that could be the cause.

  • My Lola will smell something that is WAY too interesting for me (i.e. old doggie stuff in the grass), but for her magical moment, that smell is GOLD! BAMM! STOP THE PRESSES! HUNKER DOWN, Momma, cuz I am not moving!!!!

    So, I wait, as patiently as I can, until Lola realizes that it's just a turd… no magic... well, unless I have to go to the bathroom and I need her to hurry… well, then I trick her and flick her leash, saying, "Lola! What is that? Get it!!!!!" 🙂


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