Want to be on a waiting list in Western Canada, or North Western States

  • Husband and I agreed to give it a week after Blaze's passing to discuss anything. So after a long discussion, we've agreed that we would like another basenji puppy in our lives. Considering how we are still grieving, we would like to be put on a waiting list with a possible pick up in March.

    We are not picky on gender or colour, (though I would rather not a Tri to remind me of Blaze) as we would like to focus more on personality.
    We want all health tests done, especially fanconi test of the parents. We are not strangers to health issues, but we would like to avoid them for as long as possible.
    Our puppy will be spayed or neutered as we are a pet home.
    We are a life-long home, we are basenji savvy, we have a pre-existing relationship with a basenji savvy vet and boarding kennel, though we rarely take vacations that we can't bring the dog on, unfortunately, the same can't be said about the horse…
    We live in Edmonton, Alberta and are willing to do a road trip through BC, SK, MB, WA, OR, MT, or even along the west coast to CA.
    If you are a breeder in the States, we would appreciate a bit of knowledge on border crossings. We've never done it before and want this to go as smoothly as possible for puppy.
    If you think you can help us, please contact me with any questions or concerns at:
    cindy AT bidulock DOT com

  • So I have an inquiry in at both Jumoke and Taji Basenjis. Originally we went with Jumoke Basenjis because of how professional their website was, it's ease of navigation, the actual pictures of the parents, their full registered names, and the health testing results. Of course I looked them up on my own as well, hence the love for the full registered names. And I searched them here and read a lot about their puppies. I'll also admit that the one breeding they are doing has a low percentage of getting tri's, which actually had a huge part to play in the decision. It's not like I bawl when I see a tri, it's just I would be scared that I would unknowingly super-impose Blaze's personality onto this pup, and that's not fair.
    So contact was made. I'm sixth on the list. Husband and I were sure we would be okay with our chances… then Halloween came.

    The last few years, I've dressed Blaze up as BatDog. I bent a coathanger, stretched some black fabric, and shaped with pipe cleaners. It attached to him by a regular harness. The problem was when he heard the doorbell, he'd go running, but try to stop as he got close to the door. The wings would catch wind and he's start to spin on the laminate floor. Of course, he would wail at this point... This would freak out the smaller kids, and I ended up throwing the candy at the retreating children, yelling at them to take their candy.
    So after all of this, I thought the neighbourhood kids were terrified of him. This year, I got asked by six kids "where's BatDog?", one boy was so disappointed when I told him that Blaze had passed, his family moved to another neighbourhood, and he made his Dad drive him and his friend to our condo complex to show him BatDog.

    So now, bawling, I'm not so okay with our chances. Blaze came from a litter of four, his breeder had another litter of four, our old handler only had litters of three and four. So I did some more research and found Taji. Again, professional site, easy to navigate, interesting questionnaire to fill out, and the full registered names so that I could verify the info. After a quick search here, and reading some lovely things, I sent off my questionnaire. I'm hoping I did a smart thing, I let them know that I had contacted Jumoke first, we just can't take a full year of emptiness. It bites!

  • Have you considered adopting a pup from BRAT?

  • Are you thinking you are going to fly or drive the puppy home? If flying that opens up your options if either of these breeders waiting lists are full. And if for some reason, the litter size doesn't turn out in your favor, it's always possible that they may know another breeder who has puppies available that they could refer you to. I know I'm going to be on pin and needles waiting around to mid-December for the litter I'm hopefully getting a puppy from to be born. :rolleyes: Although if it doesn't turn out for me, I can wait another few years. I hope you don't have to!

  • If you need a basenji fix before you get your puppy you could visit Jake. I live in Edmonton too. 🙂

  • Basenji's regularly only have four to six in a litter. I have a two year wait list at this point myself. As for your border crossings, it's not usually an issue. I cross back and forth quite a bit. Just make sure you have your vacination certificates and a letter from the vet and you shouldn't have a problem. Rarely do they even ask to see their papers. I've been asked once or twice if I have them, but have only had to produce them once. Other than that, it's the old adage, if they don't ask, don't tell them. Just say you went to pick up your dog. Don't elaborate on anything. And just to add, I work at the border co-ordinating with customs.

  • Have you contact FoPaws Basenjis in Washington? And as Nemo said, if you consider flying, opens up lots of possibles since you can fly a puppy back in coach in a sherpa bag.

  • @Nemo:

    Are you thinking you are going to fly or drive the puppy home? If flying that opens up your options if either of these breeders waiting lists are full. And if for some reason, the litter size doesn't turn out in your favor, it's always possible that they may know another breeder who has puppies available that they could refer you to. I know I'm going to be on pin and needles waiting around to mid-December for the litter I'm hopefully getting a puppy from to be born. :rolleyes: Although if it doesn't turn out for me, I can wait another few years. I hope you don't have to!

    Well, after reading this twice…... Nemo, a new puppy!!!!????

  • @tanza:

    Well, after reading this twice…... Nemo, a new puppy!!!!????

    Yeah, I really like Gracie (Ch. Ankhu Promises in the Dark) and put my name on the list a while ago for whenever she was bred. Just happens to be this year, so looks like I might be getting a puppy if there are some boys in the litter. 😃 It's a little earlier than I was planning but I figure it's better to do it now while Nemo is still relatively young (7 yrs) and active.

  • @Nemo:

    Yeah, I really like Gracie (Ch. Ankhu Promises in the Dark) and put my name on the list a while ago for whenever she was bred. Just happens to be this year, so looks like I might be getting a puppy if there are some boys in the litter. 😃 It's a little earlier than I was planning but I figure it's better to do it now while Nemo is still relatively young (7 yrs) and active.

    Hey… way cool... I love Gracie... good choice!!!! Hope it works out

  • Please send us photos please….

  • Husband has never had the puppy experience and really wants to pick the puppy. We discussed adoption and decided when we get our acreage in a few years, we will adopt an older dog from BRAT.
    We want to drive. We love road trips and almost always took Blaze with us, so we want to get puppy started early.
    I looked at FoPaw's, but it looks like they already have their puppies. Husband wants to wait till Feb/March to pick up puppy. He just needs some more time. So we'll wait and see.

  • @Knipper:

    Husband has never had the puppy experience and really wants to pick the puppy. We discussed adoption and decided when we get our acreage in a few years, we will adopt an older dog from BRAT.
    We want to drive. We love road trips and almost always took Blaze with us, so we want to get puppy started early.
    I looked at FoPaw's, but it looks like they already have their puppies. Husband wants to wait till Feb/March to pick up puppy. He just needs some more time. So we'll wait and see.

    FoPaws bred a second litter that will be due in Mid to Late December, so would not be ready till March time frame.

    Also, note that you will not find many breeders (responsible breeders) that will let you "pick" a puppy. Breeders get to know their potential puppy people and will place the puppy that best fits the home, as they know the temperments of the pups and what would work best in what home, at least 99% of the time. There may be times when they might have two the same and a choice might be possible, but not usual

  • I have met Therese Leimback (Fowpaws Basenjis) and find both her and her dogs just WONDERFUL! When it's time for me to get my basenji, I'll be going to her. She has some recently born puppies now, but our home is not ready yet. I'm not sure if these have all been spoken for.


  • If you are still looking for pups, feel free to get in touch with me.
    I have a co-bred litter up in Drumheller, ALB.
    They are red/white. Until they are a bit older, I can't tell if it will be boys or girls available… but there should be at least 1 girl and 1 boy available.
    My email can be found on my website through my profile on here.

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