i did ask the vet about acupuncture or a chiropractor since brat had suggested that if the xrays didnt show anything a chiropractor would be the next step, she felt that since it was inflammation causing the pain that it probably wouldnt work. but im waiting to hear from the brat admins and they may suggest one of those options, i know that vets sometimes dont consider anything but meds so was hoping to hear from basenji owners who might have been through this and could recommend other alternatives that worked for them
the vet did say that she found no signs of nerve involvement but perhaps something as subtle as this wouldnt show up on the few tests she did
pooping in the house has only happened twice, usually he does it on our walks,
it just puzzled me in that he had access to the yard and had just been in the yard to urinate yet pooped a couple minutes later in the house, with the door to the yard still open, the one time he urinated by accident in the house he licked it all up.
im not seeing this as a house breaking issue, or a "its wet outside so ill go in the house issue"
the first time he had went in the house he had actually pooped in the yard, ran into the house and immediately pooped again within 60 seconds of entering the house, strange
he does walk with a harness but at this point hes not supposed to walk at all
the vet said some neurosurgeons would demand that he be crated 24 hours a day for a month for his problem.
so im going to take your advice about trying to mentally stimulate him at least
and really i guess i have to ask is it going to greatly impede his recovery to take nice slow walks with lots of sniffing for about 4 or 5 blocks a day being carried part of the way?