Notice: California dog owners

  • Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association's Letter of Support for "Molly's Bill," AB 2000 California Rabies Medical Exemption

    June 16, 2010

    Senator Elaine Alquist, Chairperson
    CA State Senate Health Committee
    State Capitol Building, Room 2191
    Sacramento, CA 95814
    FAX: (916) 324‐0384

    RE: Follow‐up Veterinary Support Letter for AB 2000 (Medical Exemption from Rabies Vaccination), including Response to California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Objections

    Dear Senator Alquist and Committee Members:

    I am writing on behalf of the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA), an organization representing approximately 2,000 veterinary professionals nationwide with a focus on the health and welfare of all animals, including companion dogs and cats, to reiterate our support for AB 2000 and to counter objections voiced in the California Department of Public Health?s opposition letter, dated June 8. (Our original letter, dated May 7, in support of the bill, is attached for your reference.)

    The CDPH statement that ?there is no scientific evidence that rabies vaccines are associated with severe or a high rate of vaccination reactions,? is simply incorrect. The USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB) reports that rabies vaccines are the most common group of biological products named in the adverse event reports they receive. Adverse vaccine‐associated reactions are not required to be reported in veterinary medicine. Even in the face of what is probably gross underreporting, the USDA/CVB Report, published in the April 1, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (pages 1000‐1002), states that from April 2004 through March 2007 nearly 10,000 adverse event reports were received by rabies vaccine manufacturers, and that about 65% of these concerned dogs. The overall rate of such adverse rabies vaccine reactions during the report period was 8.3 reports/100,000 doses of vaccine. These are by no means trivial findings nor is the magnitude of the numbers insignificant. Although canine rabies vaccine labels may not enumerate contraindications, the labeling instructions on vaccine products clearly instruct veterinarians to vaccinate only healthy dogs. A small number of companion animals have medical conditions for which vaccination is life‐ or health‐threatening and thus, inappropriate. In these cases, a dog?s particular exemption from rabies vaccination would be individually substantiated by a veterinarian, and under these stringent circumstances, we do not foresee the submission of illegitimate or frivolous requests.

    Veterinarians are well trained in immunology and develop a great respect for both the powerful positive and potential negative consequence of vaccinating their patients. Veterinary schools require detailed study of those zoonotic diseases, like rabies, that are transmissible from animals to humans. State and national veterinary board exams rigorously test this understanding. Veterinary schools and professional advisory bodies regularly update vaccination protocols as new findings emerge. Vaccinology is one of the most active areas of research and discussion in the professional literature, at continuing education venues, and among clinicians around the country and throughout the world.

    The Veterinarian?s Oath states, ?I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the benefit of society through the protection of animal health, the relief of animal suffering? (and) the promotion of public health?? As veterinarians we continuously safeguard the public health by protecting the health and welfare of our patients within the context of their families and our communities. Disallowing veterinary medical exemption from rabies vaccination impugns this professional commitment and puts the public at greater potential risk by those who, concerned
    about their dogs? health and deprived of a vaccination exemption option, may choose to fly ?under the radar,? eluding both licensing and vaccination entirely.

    A number of states, including Alabama, Florida, Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Virginia and Wisconsin, successfully provide medical exemption from rabies vaccination without quarantine provisions. Once again, we encourage your support of this important state legislation, similarly safeguarding the health and welfare of the companion canines of Californians.

    Please contact me if you have any questions or if you would like more details about our perspective on these issues. Thank you for your consideration.

    Barbara Hodges, DVM, MBA
    Veterinary Consultant
    Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association (HSVMA)

  • Statement from Dr. Margo Roman sent in Support of AB 2000, "Molly's Bill"

    As a California licensed veterinarian who has been practicing for 32 years, I am concerned about the health and well-being of my patients and protection of my clients. I am very concerned about the rabies vaccine. I have seen very serious reactions from the vaccine. My own personal dog, a 17 month old Standard Poodle ?Wailea? was given a second rabies vaccine at 17 months and went into liver failure and facial myositis. She eventually lost all the muscles in her head as her eyes were sinking into their sockets and she eventually died.

    I had taken a rabies titer (an antibody blood test) on my dog just for information at the time of the vaccine and it showed 10 times more protection than needed for a rabies response. Since the rabies vaccine is only 86 % effective and that means 14% of the animals vaccinated do not have protection. My dog did not need that vaccine but I gave it due to the law and it eventually killed my dog.

    My dog's antibodies were protecting her from the deadly disease of rabies and giving her another vaccine did not make her more protected but instead drove her body into an auto-immune reaction attacking her own body.

    I received my own rabies vaccines in 1974 and was told in Veterinary School that I should never just blindly get vaccinated but should titer every other year and see if my titer had dropped. If my titer dropped below the level then I should get a booster. Under no circumstances should I just blindly get a booster as it can cause auto-immune issues. As veterinarians, we are required to do that. The vaccine has hazardous effects. With 46 % of dogs and 39 % of cats now getting cancer, giving an unnecessary rabies vaccine is very dangerous to the pet.

    Vaccines are strong immune stimulators and can work negatively on the immune system. Titers are the best way to see if vaccines are effective protection and they should be an accepted evaluation of a pets protection from Rabies.

    Margo Roman,DVM

    Margo Roman, DVM
    MASH Main St Animal Services of Hopkinton
    Hopkinton, MA 01748
    508-435-4077 fx 508-435-5533

    DrDoMore Project

  • CALIFORNIA AB2000 UPDATE: Yesterday, with Saulo Londono and AM Curt Hagman, representatives of all the interested parties from the government agencies and California Veterinary Medical Association, including Dr. W. Jean Dodds from The Rabies Challenge Fund met via telephone conference. Draft amendments to the bill will NOT include quarantine, and I will post an update as soon as that rewording is available. The Senate Health Committee meets today.

  • CALIFORNIA Medical Exemption Bill AB 2000 Senate Health Committee Votes DO PASS 6/30/10 amended language not available yet, so we are not sure precisely what wording passed.

    The bill has been referred to the Committee on Appropriations.

  • CA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill AB 2000 – Senate Appropriations hearing set for 8/2/10

    Please contact the members of the Appropriations committee below and ask them to fully fund AB 2000

    Senator Christine Kehoe (Chair) Phone: (916) 651-4039 Fax: (916) 327-2188
    Senator Elaine Alquist Phone: (916) 651-4013 Fax: (916) 324-0283
    Senator Elaine Corbett Phone (916) 651-4010 Fax: (916) 327-2433
    Senator Jeff Denham Phone (916) 651-4012 Fax: (916) 445-0773
    Senator Mark Leno (916) 651-4003 Fax: (916) 445-4722
    Senator Curren Price Phone (916) 651-4026 Fax: (916) 445-8899
    Senator Mimi Walters Phone (916) 651-4033 Fax: (916) 445-9754
    Senator Lois Wolk (916) 651-4005 Fax: (916) 323-2304
    Senator Mark Wyland (916) 651-4038 Fax: (916) 446-7382
    Senator Leland Yee (916) 651-4008


  • UPDATE: CA Medical Exemption Bill AB 2000 – On 8/2/10, California's Senate Appropriations Committee decided that the medical exemption bill AB 2000, Molly's Bill, "met the criteria for referral to the Suspense File," meaning that it will cost the state over $150,000 to implement .

    An Appropriations Committee hearing is scheduled for 8/12/10 to vote yes or no on all the suspense file bills – a yes vote will send a bill to the Senate floor, a no vote will kill the bill. Saulo Londono from AM Hagman's office told me today that his office has requested that the committee pull AB 2000 from the Suspense File and send it directly to the Senate floor for vote; he expects to hear back within 48 hours whether they will pull the bill or not.

  • UPDATE 8/13/10 California Medical Exemption AB 2000, "Molly's Bill" – Saulo Londono from AM Hagman's office just informed me that AB 2000, "Molly's Bill," was NOT voted out of the "Suspense File" at yesterday's Appropriations Committee hearing, which means that the bill will not go to the Senate for a floor vote, which it must do in order to become law. According to Mr. Londono, the Committee Chair's STAFF (Senator Christine Kehoe (Chair) Phone: (916) 651-4039 Fax: (916) 327-2188) determined that the bill doesn't merit the cost of implementing it. He believes that Senator Kehoe's staff is "playing politics" with this bill, and AM Hagman's office has contacted the Governor's office to see what can be done.

    Mr. Londono will get back in touch with me next week to let us know what we dog owners can do.

  • URGENT–California AB 2000 Action Alert "Molly's Bill" – Please make 3 calls: Monica Wagoner Dept. Health (916) 440-7502, Appropriations Committee (916-651-4101), and Committee Chair Senator Kehoe (916) 651-4039. Tell them to stop playing politics with the lives of California's sick dogs and get this bill to the Senate Floor for passage.

    Saulo Londono called from AM Hagman's office with an update. Apparently the problem with this bill lies with the Deputy Director of Legislative & Governmental Affairs in the Department of Health, Monica Wagoner (916) 440-7502, who claims they will need to hire a 1/2 time research scientist for 18 months at the cost of $160,000 to put this bill through the regulatory process. Other states, such as Maine, did not have to hire anyone to process their medical exemption regulations -- it appears that the Health Department is trying to use this bill as an excuse to hire an extra researcher. Monica Wagoner is the same person who wrote a letter to California legislators on June 8th opposing the rabies medical exemption after the mandatory quarantine clause was removed. Please call Monica Wagoner's office and tell her this cost is ridiculous, other states did not take 18 months to process a medical exemption clause into their regulations, and they did not have to hire a research scientist in order to do so.


  • UPDATE "Molly's Bill" CALIFORNIA AB 2000 August 28: Saulo Londono from AM Hagman's office called to say that Senate Appropriations Committee Chair, Senator Christine Kehoe (916) 651-4039 "killed" the rabies medical exemption bill, AB 2000 "Molly's Bill" yesterday in committee by aligning all the Democrats on the Committee to vote against it strictly along party lines rather on the merit of the bill. Senator Kehoe's Chief of Staff reportedly told Saulo that this was "all about politics."

    Remember this bill unanimously passed an Assembly floor vote (74-0) May 6th, and on July 15th received a unanimous 8-0 "DO PASS" vote from the Senate Health Committee. The Appropriations Committee should respect this strong vote of support from the Legislature and fund this bill. **Please direct any and all calls of concern to Senator Kehoe at (916) 651-4039.


  • UPDATE "Molly's Bill" CALIFORNIA AB 2000 September 9. This bill unanimously passed an Assembly floor vote (74-0) May 6th, and on July 15th received a unanimous 8-0 "DO PASS" vote from the Senate Health Committee . Thus, it was deemed by the California legislature to be medically meritorious and in need of enactment. The bill was then ?killed? by Senator Christine Kehoe and the Senate Appropriations Committee based solely on perceived fiscal needs and party line politics during this time of recession.

    **Should any one residing in California have a dog justifiably in need of medical exemption from rabies booster vaccination, the fact that this bill unanimously passed both houses can be used as a rationale for rabies exemption at the local level.


  • CALIFORNIA: Rabies Medical Exemption Petition for California residents. If the link to the petition does not work by clicking on it, simply copy and paste it into your browser. Please ask all the California residents you know to sign this petition.

    Veterinary student Lisa Lippman has started a petition to get Rabies Medical Exemption legislation reintroduced in California. Lisa's story and another link to petition:


  • CALIFORNIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill AB 258 (Molly's Bill) has been referred to the Agriculture Committee. Please contact Committee members (especially Chair Galgiani (916) 319-2017 ) and ask that they vote "Ought to Pass."

    2011 California Agriculture Committee

    Committee Phone (916) 319-2084

    Cathleen Galgiani - Chair (916) 319-2017
    David G. Valadao - Vice Chair (916) 319-2030
    Bill Berryhill (916) 319-2026
    Jerry Hill (916) 319-2019
    Fiona Ma (916) 319-2012
    Tony Mendoza (916) 319-2056
    Kristin Olsen (916) 319-2025
    Henry T. Perea (916) 319-2031
    Mariko Yamada (916) 319-2008

  • CALIFORNIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill AB 258 Hearing Date April 6 before the Assembly Agriculture Committee. Please contact Committee Chair Cathleen Galgiani (916) 319-2017 and ask the committee to vote "ought to pass."

    Please attend the hearing if you can and share this message with everyone you know in California, the more California pet owners the committee hears from, the more likely the bill will pass.


  • CALIFORNIA Medical Exemption Bill AB 258 ("Molly's Bill") passed the Assembly Agriculture Committee yesterday 9-0 "on consent" and has been referred to the Appropriations Committee.

  • California Medical Exemption Bill AB 258 "Do Pass" 5/4/11 Appropriations Committee 17-0 vote

  • CALIFORNIA Rabies Waiver Bill AB 258 has a Senate Health Committee hearing on June 8, 2011. Contact Committee Chair Senator Ed Hernandez (916) 651-4024 and ask the committee to vote "OUGHT TO PASS."

  • CALIFORNIA Rabies Waiver Bill AB 258 (Molly's Bill) unanimously passed Senate Health Committee yesterday.

  • CALIFORNIA Rabies Waiver Bill AB 258 amended in Senate on second reading 6/20/11 to include phrase: "that the veterinarian can verify and document."

  • California Rabies Medical Exemption Signed into Law

    On Friday, October 7, 2011, California's Governor signed a rabies medical exemption into law, Molly's Bill (AB 258), , . California is the 14th state to do so.

    Please copy & paste link into browser if it doesn't work by clicking on it.


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