Help with newly adopted basenji!

  • What a sad story for all concerned.

  • I am so sorry to hear this.
    I talked to your sister, and she sounded really motivated to help this little guy. She must be devastated. Give her my condolences.


  • My sincere condolences to your sister - what a sad outcome!

  • I was afraid this might happen. Perhaps if it is any consolation for your sister, we can be grateful this dog was not placed in a home with young kids. And I think it was better to euthanize him sooner rather than waiting 10 days then euthanizing him. Your sister made an honest effort to help and do the right thing. This is so not her fault, please let her know nobody blames her.

  • Hi Everyone 🙂 I'm the sister referred to in the posts. My name is Cathy and I'm new to the Basenji world. I rescued a 4 yr old Male at the end of May and he is the most wonderful addition to my family. He came to me with no history but is so very loving and gentle. As you know my 2nd attempt to rescue didn't go so well.

    My hand is healing just fine, but my heart aches. This poor little dog did nothing wrong. It was all human error that caused his death and I'm so sad. Sad that my uneducated behavior had a part in his being destroyed. Mad that the organization didn't give me a better explanation of what behaviors he had been exhibiting.

    If I could only go back and make changes…..but its too late for him 😞

  • Welcome Cathy! I'm Kim (with 3 basenjis, a hubby and a malinois) and so glad you made it to our forum, but sorry about the circumstances. I'm glad your #2 has not soured you on the breed. They are quirky little creatures. I know your heart (and hand) hurts and I hope you can find peace soon.

  • Welcome Cathy! I am so sorry you had to go through this. Please know that this was no fault of yours…sadly this dog was probably quite dangerous because of his lack of bite inhibition. Hugs to you...and again, welcome...

  • First Basenji's

    I'm so sorry this story had to end like this.
    But thank you for checking in with us. I hope you will be able to have more, less tragic Basenji adventures with us for some time to come.

  • Cathy, you just had a most horrible all-around 'rescue' experiences. I am so glad your hand is healing, but please don't blame yourself at all. Who thinks of all these things when you are adopting a cute dog from the shelter? I have had many basenjis who were "touchy" about their tails, but never such a reaction. I'm sure there are lots of things you would do differently if you could hit the 'undo' button, but nothing that you did was 'wrong' in any way. Try and look ahead and use your sad experience to educate (as you have done to us). As someone said, thank goodness it wasn't your face, or some small child…kids can't keep their hands off a basenji's tail. Like any accident,it all happened so fast (literally, at 60 mph) but it is past and try and put it behind you. Things work out for a reason, even if it makes no sense at the time.

  • As always Macpack comes up with the right words. I totally agree with her - you did your very best Cathy, and that's what we all try to do.

  • Thanks, everyone, for welcoming my sister, Cathy. Anne, we've met once here in Tampa, but you feel like a kindred spirit, for your words of wisdom and love truly hit home. Thank you!

  • What a sad outcome for that pup, but good to hear that you'll continue to love basenjis and basenji rescue. It's so hard to stop at one. :p Bet you'll be adding to your B family at some point, all the wiser.

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