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Honest Names

Basenji Puppy Pen
  • Come on, we all know there are honest names we don't choose…

    Get Down & I don't mean dance
    Get out of the trash
    Kleenex Annihilator
    Furnishing Shredder
    Screaming Mimi
    Drama Queen
    Bed Hog

    Makes me tired thinking of them. Btw, why am I so stupid? I finally gave a trash can with lid for bedroom. Should have done it 10 yrs ago. I am slow sometimes.

  • Cute thread Debra. You forgot Squirrel Killer :)

  • LOL mine are WANNABE squirrel & Chipmunk killers.

  • They probably all think their names are NOOOOOO!!! or maybe some names we can't say on here….

  • I agree with Lenora. NO must be the most common word to leave my lips since Milo came into my life! Not that it made much difference, I could have said Yes for all the good it did.

  • We called our first Basenji Dino, learned a lesson. Whenever we said NO, he apparently just thought we were having trouble saying his whole name… He learned STOP and HEY!


  • @Terry:

    We called our first Basenji Dino, learned a lesson. Whenever we said NO, he apparently just thought we were having trouble saying his whole name… He learned STOP and HEY!


    Lol - too funny. I love the name Dino, but would never have thought of it from that angle.

  • I find myself scolding Lola with "Listen, Missy!"…. I wonder if my mom used to say that when I was little? :)

  • the other half started calling Hope a mogwai… and when she has her crazy episodes she's then turned into the "gremlin". LOL Common conversation now: so is she being a mogwai or a gremlin today? LOL :D

  • Since I didn't name Frankie until later on-his name is exactly that. But it's short for Frankenstein aka monster! Big, lovable monster who only wants cuddles and kisses, but still a monster!

  • How about "CRAZY"

  • LOL, Arlene. I was asked to evaluate a Lhasa Apso for rescue… Her name they said was "Hannah". So I had Hannah for a few days when the all breed rescue coordinator called and said was I still speaking to her. I said "Why?" She said she figured by now I figured out Hannah's real name. I said, what? She said "Hannibell Lectur." LOL she was right about the aggression level.
    My other fave is our neighbor's dog, Sarah. When I moved in I thought what a sweet name. Til I found out it was really short for "Midnight Serenade".

    Oh, lol. And a training friend of mine (who has great site: ) said that for most people, the real word isn't :COME. Anyway, she asked people to think about what they FINALLY said that got the dog coming toward us… for me it was "DON'T MAKE ME COME GET YOU!" I did learn to do what she said... I say it once, then go get them, no 2nd try. Btw, the long haired Rottie on the pages is from us. We were HORRIFIED when she was born, until Mary saw her and fell in love. DQ, spayed, and utterly totally loved. I cannot believe she is 9 yrs old now!

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    I finally gave in…got a trash can with lid for bedroom. Should have done it 10 yrs ago. I am slow sometimes.

    Ha! "Need to suck it up and buy trash cans with lids" was my status after having Suki for only a week! (haven't done it yet, though)

  • Our first basenji thought his name was dammitPete.

  • This is not my dog, but a friend of mine had a mutt named Pita..Pain in the a–. I always loved that name..

    Our Schnauzer/yorkie mix is Luna..short for Lunatic..

  • Delta is a francophone dog so is variously 'monstre', 'casse-couilles', 'chasseuse', 'voleuse', 'bandit', or 'crazy-chien'…

    (Monster, Pain-in-the-neck/a*se, Hunter, Thief, another variation on thief, or Crazydog).

    "Papershredder" would be apt. And "Shoe-kidnapper", although that's a bit long...

  • LOLOL. Arwen would be "poker" or "jabber" as she pokes me all the time.

  • haha..We are nick names too..Moses the "tick magnet", Luna the "flea bag" and Gus, "breath of Death…none of them are basenjis...our basenji pup is on his way...almost

  • I want to name a puppy Mayhem…but I think that would be a bad idea ;)

  • Although "NO" became what Shaye most heard, along with " drop it" (she's too quick for "leave it," so "drop it" has replaced that) and "get off the table" and "stop digging the screens" (on the porch), lately we have been firmly saying her name, then squirting her in the face with a squirt bottle. Amazing how well that works - of course the entire house is getting wet but she's getting the picture that when we pick up the squirt bottle and show it to her, she'd best stop whatever it is she's doing. Gemma, of course, responds to "stop" and "leave it." Must be the "other" kind of dog in her….

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