Reminds me of watching my dog in the back yard one time. He was brown/white and had his back turned to the fence. A young doe jumped the fence and started to approach Sam, had his white tail up. She must have thought it was a fawn. Same turned around and it was a race to the fence, the doe won.
We have leather furniture and it's so practical to be able to wipe it down when you have animals.
Congrats putting the furniture together and enjot that Pizza ;)
that is really sad.. especially how some didnt have paws… how could you not notice that.. i guess with 800 dogs.. you overlook them ? idk..
i was watching animal cops or something liek that on animal planet the other night and a woman had like 90+ dogs and pups in her house.. they told her she could keep like 2 or 3 whatever the law was.. and she hid a bunch behind dryers and stuff, but they still found them.. that was 90 and a HOUSE.. and that was crazy.. i cant even begin to imagine what that trailer looked.. and SMELLED.. like.. :(