• With credentials like that, I just feel she will find a wonderful home. Any idea if the parents were fanconi tested?

  • She has strip tested negative.
    BRAT doesn't do the cheek swabs.

  • she's a cutie - i'm sure she'll find her own home very soon

  • We are having a lot of interest. That is good. I just feel bad for the other b's who are also needing a home, and aren't as "popular"…laugh.
    Having been NOT popular in high school, I feel for those b's!
    Hehehe, so who is projecting???

  • I think getting the word out about those dogs will help raise their popularity. People like routing for the underdog.

  • Sounds like a great B

  • She is really exceptional. Course we have Harley who also needs a home, but he is going to be a bit more work..but so very worth it.

  • So are BRAT dogs only available to the particular state they are in? Also in her profile it indicates that she is:
    she nips: yes
    house destructive: dont know

  • That was what the owners said who give her to BRAT. She is housebroken, uses a doggie door and play nips, but is learning its not a good thing to do.

    Re BRAT and the states the dogs are in. It depends. As this girl has so much interest
    in the PNW, I doubt I will be moving her out of the area. BUT some BRAT b's are moved.
    The Fl basenji puppies are being moved up throught the northeast, or at least that is my understanding.

  • I see. So she would probably be placed soon then. That is a good thing 🙂 If not, I go up to Seattle probably once every 2 months.. 🙂

  • @kingvelox:

    So are BRAT dogs only available to the particular state they are in?

    We have 2 BRAT Basenjis who came long distance to Edmonton, AB, Canada; Billy was ground transported from Denver, CO and Ren (a KC Basenji) was flown from Oklahoma City, OK.

  • It looks like we found a great home for both Kira and Harley! Yea!!!!! I tell you, BRAT has done good by these 2 b's!!

  • Sharron, that is really wonderful news! I can just imagine how much this means to you, and of course all of us who want basenji rescues to find good homes. Well done, my friend!

  • It is great news! These 2 b's are going to have wonderful new famlies..yea!!!!!!!!

  • @kingvelox:

    So are BRAT dogs only available to the particular state they are in? Also in her profile it indicates that she is:
    she nips: yes
    house destructive: dont know

    Kira went to her new home yesterday, I was her foster. Her previous owners didn't have net access so I had to fill her form out with what I'd derived from her so far and what clear info I was able to get from her previous home.

    Nip - yes, in play only and I would classify it more as love nibbles than actual nips. At one point to stop her from running out the door I had to grab the first thing on her that I made contact with, it ended up being the skin of her back. She turned and screamed in surprise but never made any attempt to nip or bite. I would have settled for either to not have her bolting out the front door & loose :eek:

    House Destructive - Don't know.. because I never gave her the opportunity! I'd rather not lose something to find out :p But she is only 18 months old and still has the usual age-related mischief. Yesterday while putting together a quick collar for her she took off with my cell phone charger and a wooden dowel that was on the floor that's used in the track of the nearby when it's closed. At her previous home she was also never really given the opportunity. I suspect she spent the majority of her day restricted to their laundry area that had a dog door that went outside. I think this is what has enforced her bolting behavior so much, the poor girl just want to be FREEEEEEEEEEE! Miraculously my TP survived 3 weeks with her, with most fosters I have to take it off the holder while they are with me :rolleyes:

  • Andrea, what a heart-filled post…. I can relate to an 18 month old just bolting for the door... the Freeeeedom.... and then turning a round (really briefly) to see if you are ready for the chase!!!! 🙂

  • No doubt! I'm sure some people think I'm nuts with the amount of baby gates I have.

    Counter surfing Ridgebacks & Foster B… gate @ the kitchen
    Sighthounds in general .. gate @ the front door
    and while Kira was around, gate to my sewing area because it can get darned expensive to replace that stuff! 😃

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