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Hi everyone im a newbie :)

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  • Lol. So far a couple of things on growing check list..

    1. Bitter apple
    2. Tassel protector

  • Yeah, even my extremely well-behaved Curie would have chewed the tassels off anything. It's like OCD. "That dangly thing must be dealt with. Immediately. Now."

    Shucks, we look at things almost in Opposite World these days. We see something with tassels or the like and look at each other as if to say, should we get that FOR the puppy? We probably have gone over to the dark side at this point.

  • We had an oriental rug with tassels on it for the first 1 1/2 years of having a basenji. Only caught him messing with it once, corrected him, never had another problem.

    Ours is weird though, and never (EVER) unsupervised.

    I had more trouble with the vacuum cleaner and that rug than with the dog! Glad it's gone, got tired of it messing up my vacuum all the time.

  • Throw rugs are a favorite of all of mine…. dragging them around the house.... and until my first Basenjis were well into adult "hood", there was never any chance of hanging towels from the oven door.... they finally just about grew out of that by the time they were 9 or 10yrs old...ggg... Of course now with two puppies, no more towels on the oven door again!

  • @tanza:

    Throw rugs are a favorite of all of mine…. dragging them around the house.... and until my first Basenjis were well into adult "hood", there was never any chance of hanging towels from the oven door.... they finally just about grew out of that by the time they were 9 or 10yrs old...ggg... Of course now with two puppies, no more towels on the oven door again!

    OMG - you so speak the truth with the towels on the oven door. The sheer joy on Liyah's face when she sees one hanging there - priceless. :D:D She has trained us though and now I'd say 90% of the time I catch it before she does. The funny thing is, she is the only one of my 3 that will grab a towel. Once she has it though, Liyah and Brando play a big game of tug of war and keep away from mom :rolleyes:.

  • Yes towels have to be up high or behind closed doors in our house too :D
    Our rug has several holes that she likes to pluck.

  • Haha, the oven door towels! Simon dashes around laughing with it flapping around like a flag. (If we forget and drape it there like we used to!) He's teaching us to remember :D

  • LOL. add towels to the check list. Wonder if there is a puppy proofing handbook out there? Is it recommended to have a B as a first dog?

  • yep, i went all 4 days, Zumi did even better on Monday.

    Ok, so maybe Zumi is a tad weird, he doesn't destroy anything, doesn't ever bother with tassels, towels or rugs. even beaded collars are A-okay with him.
    i think you saw his collar with the beads at the show. though i was told he was not a basenji because he didn't even look at them funny.

    Zumi as a puppy only ever chewed one book, i told him off and that was that. Pillows are something to be revered for softness, he doesn't destroy them, he sleeps on them.

    for dog-proofing, my best advise is to army-crawl through your house. that way you are getting the dog's-eye view of your house. if it looks like something a puppy might get a hold of/chew/destroy, then move it. you are basically baby-proofing your house. the trash can though must always be hidden, but while Zumi is pretty good about leaving it alone, if our puppy knocks it over all bets are off.

    Basenjis are also:
    your best friend
    your enemy
    a cuddle buddy
    loyal (until they see a squirrel, or such things)
    funny (they will always amuse you, even if you have to stop seeing Red first…)
    good listener
    good teachers
    hilarious with their odd antics
    and oh, so much more.

  • Only if you're prepared to get at least one more Basenji and knowing that once you've survived the first 2 years, there's no other breed that compares!!


  • You come into the kitchen to see:

    Do you:
    a. Grab a broom and holler at the pup?
    b. Laugh and post the pic on facebook to show how smart your pup is and how great his muscles are?

    Psst, b is the right answer if you are thinking about a basenji puppy.

  • The answer is "B", if you are really a basenji person!

    A sense of humor is the most important feature for prospective adopters, as you will have the choice to laugh or cry fairly often.

    As others have said, destruction varies with the dogs.
    My 2 boys (ages 14 and 10) never bother anything, my 12 year old girl just turned my purse over and ran off with my work ID badge, if I had not seen her, I would be spending $10 tomorrow for a new one. I have to keep all leather shoes put up, likewise purses, though it is my wallets that she will steal and destroy (3 times now).
    But, I have a few pillows with tassels and most are still intact.

    I do have leather furniture and no basenji has ever chewed on it, but some have 'dug' holes in cloth sofa cushions in the past.

    Lots of exercise, long walks or dog park visits, means they will nap a lot at home. Mine have run of the house all the time, but many people crate when you are at work, or have a 'dog room' for them, and I say 'them' because having 2 is great, they keep each other company and are often less destructive.

    So welcome, I hope you take the plunge!

  • Welcome, so nice to "meet" you. Sounds like you are doing a great thing finding some crucial things out about the breed.
    They are different, but in so many positive ways. So you might have to basenji proof the house, so what. Maybe you can't leave your toilet paper down where they might get it..'cause then this will happen..

    Maybe you have to move your fruit bowl up higher then counter height..

    Maybe towels are in trouble..and maybe just maybe you have to be keen on crate training for you puppy's safety and for your belongings safety…BUT, those are small details in the big will have a very interesting 10-15 years ahead of you, full of laughter, annoyance, amazement, intrigue and all the other emotions (positive and negative) basenjis bring out in humans, because they truly are the most fascinating breed.
    Do your research and have an open mind, if you want a dog that is here with you, not here for you, basenjis are a good choice..

  • I wonder if this thread is going to be renamed the tassel thread? lol. Thanks guys for plenty of input. Ill start posting some pics of the inside of my house for some potential "dog rooms" later on, and of course the TASSELS… I think I'ma gonna needa lotta helpa LOL. Good thing I am doing alot of research on the breed. I think its only the right and responsible way to do it. :)

  • I counted no less than 11 items where tassels are involved….and thats just in my family room! Possible safe location... laundry room?

  • Gosh, I can already see all the places my basenjis would go. I could just imagine them photoshopped into the pics.

  • perhaps a cleaned up laundry room without the clothes and accessories with a pet gate along with a big crate?

  • And depending on the basenji, child safety locks on the cabinets. My 12 1/2 year old loves opening cabinets and drawers. He doesn't often do anything with the contents but loves to get into them none the less. My problem is that my girls do like to mess with the contents and though they do not open cabinets and drawers they take advantage of his opening of them.

  • ;) was just thinking about child locks as well! I guess Im starting think like a b pup. LOL. But I wonder if that laundry room is a big enough space to keep during the day?

  • Considering a crate is probably smaller than your laundry room-it should be just fine. Just make sure you have a check list whenever you leave-

    • garbage pail up-check
    • doors and drawers closed and locked-check
    • old rugs that I don't care about being used-check
    • tiles on floor (or linoleum) solid with no rips-check
    • no foam or fluff present to make into confetti-check

    And that's just a start to my check list-LOL

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    @debradownsouth Thanks Debra - will look into that. It will be fascinating to see what comes out of it.:grinning_face:
  • Hi everyone!!

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    It looks as though you've solved the problem but do be on the alert!
  • Hi everyone!!

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    Welcome to the forum!!! :)
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    @Quercus: some of mine make a sound kind of like "hrumphf" if they want something…some will moan, and whine. Our male just gives us the mind meld stare.... OMG! The "mind meld stare"…that's a perfect way to describe it! Mine does the "hrumphf" thing too. Sometimes it sounds like a sneeze, because if you're near it, you get snotted.
  • Hi Everyone!

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    Swims, but doesn't like the rain? That's odd. Why do you think that is?
  • Hi Everyone

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    I am a huge "Bryan Gregory Fan" also, LOL He is is very particular about the dogs he will breed. He does great at follow-up once you get your puppy home, too; is always available to give advice, answer questions, etc. {And Lord knows he is patient with first time Basenji owners, very patient, …<grin> I love to watch Jazzy when she sees him at shows. She loves him! I'm hoping he sticks around for a few more years -- have to give me time to convince my husband that "we" want another Basenji after my older mixed breed dog dies. LOL {Poor man, thinks Jazzy is my last dog.} And if I get another one, I'd like it to be a Jumoke pup.</grin>