Some years back, during our Shiba Inu and Jindo period our Jindo developed a terrible rash and wht with her licking turned into huge hot spots, loss of hair and everything. Our vet narrowed it down to a grain alergy, suggested we go to an avocado based food, AvoDerm. Within 2 weeks she stopped itching and chewing, and 6 months later all her hair was grown out. As time went by she developed a beautiful luxurious coat, never had another problem with alergies or skin problems. We realize that B's dont have the long double coats like Shibas or Jindos, but our philosophy is if it ain't broke don't fix it, so we have just continued feeding AvoDerm to our B's as we accumulated our pack. The main problem with it is, if we feed them as reccomended they gain weight, so we really have to watch their diet.
Hello All
Hi my name is Mike, I live in South Carolina. Me and my family have 2 Basenji pups. They are about 7 months old now. 1 is male the other is female. There names (given by my kids) Moon (Male) Star (Female). I am here to get information about these types of pups. Training mainly.
Hello and welcome to the forum:D
Hi and Welcome. Who did you get your Basenji pups from? Many of us are "related" by our Basenjis. Since you have a male and female, have they been spayed/neutered yet?
Glad you found us, we are all happy to help you and would love to see photos of your b's.
We got the pups from a lady my wife works with. They have not been spayed/neutered just yet. But that is on the top of our list. thanks for the welcome all.
We welcome Star, Moon and family to the forum. There is plenty of info and help here.
Welcome Mike, Star and Moon. You are in for a voyage of discovery with your two Pups.
They are a challenging but wonderful breed and you will certainly find lots of great info on here.
What is life like with two Pups, we only have one 5 month old and life revolves around her -
Welcome to the forum Mike
We got the pups from a lady my wife works with. They have not been spayed/neutered just yet. But that is on the top of our list. thanks for the welcome all.
Basenji bitches can and do come into their first season as early as 7 months… so keep an eye on her.... I am guessing they are littermates? Did they come from Russella?
They are litter mates and we try to keep them separated from each other for the time being until we get them spayed/neutered. The female is as laid back as cane be but her brother is a different story. He is the escape artist. She does not really try anything unless your brother does it first. They really are like 2 more kids. But, my two boys love them and help us with them.
Welcome to all of you, so exciting, double the basenji bliss..and pain. You will find lots of info, pictures and ideas hear, hope you enjoy it.
hi Mike - welcome to you and your family, and to your bundles of joy - Moon and Star. This forum is a great place for all things basenji. If you have questions, just ask away. There is a wealth of knowledge on here. Kudos for keeping them apart from one another until they are spayed and neutered. That must be quite the job!
Welcome to the forum Mike, Moon and Star