Lycia snibbits
Due to finals in a matter of days (:eek:) not many pics have been acquired - however I wanted to let everyone know Lycia is up and running… if not a bit begrudgingly - we def, notice she misses Tillo and Janneke. She has given me a constant "now what !!?" look. :rolleyes:
Spot the basenji!
U turn
BF holding the lovely lady
We just bought the most fuuuuuuuzy bed EVER for her kitchen "spot" whilst mum makes a mess. ;)
Swan NeckA few from our trip from Amsterdam on the iPhone:
Driving in the Chunnel
Lycia's executive decision to sleep behind the fluffy bed and in the crack of the car -
Nice to see her out and about:D she looks very comfy in that bed:)
I love Lycia's swan neck - very elegant.
She is lovely. I also have my car set up for the comfort of my 2 b's..much to my husband disapproval!
- nice to see you both back together..I kow it must be hard for her…but she will come around..I love your pictures, thank you so much for sharing..and good luck on your finals..;)