Bye sweet Lycia!
Janneke, I just checked out your website and I love the photographers pictures and the pictures taken at the LC in Leek in 2009. There is a picture their of Tillo luring and he is literally FLYING. Maximum extension with no feet on the ground. Lovely picture and a really nice website!
Thank you :) Next week we have our first lure course training of 2010, so hopefully more flying pics then :D
Yes i must admit your post brought a lump to my throat.
I love all the pics of Lycia's time with you. -
I'm sorry I make you guys cry ;) I can't reread my own post, without getting tears in my eyes.. haha.. :p
We had a good day today. Tillo was very focused on us during the walks… we had to be his entertainment. He also jumped on the bed this morning to search Lycia (because she always slept there in the morning..) but when he found out she wasn't there, he went back to the floor.. I hope he's not missing her too much.
I am sure all of you will miss that pretty little brindle girl… and Janneke, you are a home that any breeder would be proud that place a Basenji with......
I second what Pat said… Your dedication to providing a happy, healthy basenji home does not go unheard, you inspire me to keep up on my training and if only I could take photo's as well as you and the BF do! Hopefully the BF will miss having that second basenji enough that you will be able to make that twinkle of a basenji puppy in your eye a reality sometime soon ;)
Currently have a little Lycia curled up around my hip, snuggled deep under the blankets! :P
I'm popping my head in to say Lycia is doing well in Edinburgh. She slept most of the trip back from Amsterdam and is slowing adjusting to new surroundings. She seems a bit nervous - esp on walks, new environment with out many points of reference. She also likes to plant her nose in Tillo's blanket every now and then - which always makes me a bit teary… hard to think of how she must feel and how confusing things are. However we have many fun filled days coming, we have spent the first two sleeping a lot and having fun snacks, relearning sounds and smells - and of course stealing coke bottles for toys. Tomorrow we are going out to the Royal Observatory for a off lead romp in the hermitage, tons of doggies and bunnies to chase.
No worries, I'll be taking pics... of course not as good as Janneke's :P
Thanks to all for your lovely words and wishes, and of course above all thanks to Janneke and Job for opening up their hearts and home to a new curly tail. Words can't express the depth of my gratitude.
I second what Pat said… Your dedication to providing a happy, healthy basenji home does not go unheard, you inspire me to keep up on my training and if only I could take photo's as well as you and the BF do! Hopefully the BF will miss having that second basenji enough that you will be able to make that twinkle of a basenji puppy in your eye a reality sometime soon ;)
Thank you for your kind post. BF was the first one with tears in his eyes after Lycia left ;) So he agrees we should have a girl b of our own. We're on a waiting list for next season, so fingers crossed..
Thank you for your kind post. BF was the first one with tears in his eyes after Lycia left ;) So he agrees we should have a girl b of our own. We're on a waiting list for next season, so fingers crossed..
That brought a tear to my eye also:(
Good news that you are on a waiting list for next year season:D
That brought a tear to my eye also:(
Good news that you are on a waiting list for next year season:D
It is, isn't it! :D
But I have to say.. Tillo is actually enjoying the fact that he has all of my attention.. gg.. I have a week vacation, so yesterday and today we went to a restaurant to get ourselves a nice lunch.. haha… We had a nice view over the water. We also went to the market. He just loved it! Sitting next to mommy in the car and going to all these fun places. he's a happy pup :)