• Go to this site www.mandsager.com
    Go down to EBC lurecouring. Clink on that, and you will see Peanut and Wheat in the first photo. Peanut, another b brought over, is with the Gregorys. Lovely hooded ears.
    Anyway, they are watching the b's run.

  • Thanks! She is just too cute. I love the coloure, and ears and and…

  • Thanks Anette. Folks who know say she will red up, and I am so very hopeful she will be one basenji once approved who will help our dogs and the issues with health that sometime occur.
    BUT I do have to tell you all, I have not been one to want a puppy. The lovely temperments of all these dogs that were brought over are just a sweet as well love b's in this country.
    They are just ears back, tails wagging bundles of love. This girl, I just couldn't resist.
    We are so very lucky to live in this time.
    Wait until you see the photos of the VERY red ones that were also brought back.
    The colors are just wonderful.
    I am waiting until some photos are shared.
    Thanks everyone for the kind words.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    My two older b's won't know what hit them.

    You got that right…. you are going to get that look like..."OK its cute, now take it home".... "What do you mean she is home"?..... ggggg

  • Hehehe, wait until she is accepted and they decide to have puppies with her. again, the folks who brought her over, who have the knowledge, not me…My 2 will not believe the cute little butter balls have teeth of needles.
    Oh, those poor older b's..! laugh. What a shake up for them.

  • Sharron sent me these to post. Ms Wheat is now teething which makes spotting her in the group of Lisa Saban's basenjis easy. She is the one having the bad ear day.


  • Love the photos! She just wants to nose herself in with the other b's to see what is going on and to be a part of the pack. Super cute. And yes, from the first pictures we saw of her, she is reddening up. She is going to be a head turner, that lil Miss Wheat!

  • THANKS Fran, I think she is perfect. I have to thank Lisa Voss for helping me post to thist site.
    It beyond me and I just have joy sharing her photos with you all.
    Hugs to you all this sun evening

  • Wheat is so adorable! I can't wait to see how she develops…I am quite jealous Sharron!!! What an adventure 🙂

  • It is an adventure. I went to a dog show today with Lisa and she brought her dogs with Wheat and her red girl.
    Wheat is odd, she gets scared when p/u. I told the few folks who handled her to be gentle but firm and only put her down when she relaxed.
    I talked to Lisa about it, and she said the dogs in the villages, we very seldom touched.
    They were submissive, asking humans for food, and maybe a pat on the head, but otherwise, picking up a dog, was usually not going to be good for the dog.
    So, we will have to work on that.
    But she is just a wonder. Imagine, she has more airline miles than I do! laugh.
    Also, only 6 weeks ago, she was living in Africa!!!

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    It is an adventure. I went to a dog show today with Lisa and she brought her dogs with Wheat and her red girl.
    Wheat is odd, she gets scared when p/u. I told the few folks who handled her to be gentle but firm and only put her down when she relaxed.
    I talked to Lisa about it, and she said the dogs in the villages, we very seldom touched.
    They were submissive, asking humans for food, and maybe a pat on the head, but otherwise, picking up a dog, was usually not going to be good for the dog.
    So, we will have to work on that.
    But she is just a wonder. Imagine, she has more airline miles than I do! laugh.
    Also, only 6 weeks ago, she was living in Africa!!!

    Definitely a good plan for helping her adjust. If she really freaks out when p/u..you might not have new folks pick her up just yet, and you work on just picking her up a couple inches off the floor, and then put back down…so that she isn't past her stress threshold. Working with fears is wierd..it is different than plain resistance issues. You don't want to flood them with the stimulus they are fearful of, but work right up to their threshold, and then build past it.

    I am really so excited for you 🙂

  • Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
    She used to be a food shark, now, as food is coming every day, she and her sister have settled down re that issue as well.
    Of course, getting rid of the fleas and worms has helped her not only feel better, but start to look better and grow.
    I am so happy to share this pup with you all.

  • Sharron - it's so wonderful to see the pictures of your baby. I bet you're excited at the thought of having her home. She doesn't look as though she is going to be fazed by your other two. Wishing you welll and so jealous!!

  • Thank you. Lisa Saban who was on page 11 of the Basenji Mag with her winning Litle Man, gave me a great gift.
    She is a dear friend, and I am very lucky to know her.

  • Here is a site for photos of all the dogs brought back.

  • Houston

    She is truly a beauty..I love her name too..so fitting. How old would you say she is now?

  • Petra, I have to say, I really don't know. She is starting to lose her puppy teeth, so someone here would know better. I would ask Lisa, but she is out of town for 3 days.
    Re how small she is, it could be lack of good food for her mom, or worms, or just that she is going to be smallish, or not..I mean, these dogs are so cool, they change every day.
    The red b's I am typing b's as I think they will pass, that Lisa and Bryan have, are just so different from the first time I saw them.
    Now, I am a rescue person, and I really don't know puppies.
    So, all of this is very new to me. I didnt' have a desire to have a puppy. BUT oh, this girl, she just won my heart. I just couldn't believe how generous Lisa was to offer her to me. So, I am learning as I go as well.
    The adventure begins.
    Oh, Wheat's eyes serfed..the vet said, typical basenji eyes!!! yea..

  • Sharron, what an exciting time! How many other dog breed fanciers get a chance to go back to the origin area and potentially find new blood for the breed. Such an exciting time for all of us b. lovers and for you, with your new puppy. How is she doing with poop and peeing? Has she house trained well? Would having the great outdoors so available to her make house training a little more difficult.

  • I had the opportunity to meet little miss Wheat this past weekend at the dogshow, she and the other imports that came over are absolute LOVES! She couldn't have found a more loving home than with her new mommy to be, congrats Sharron on being a part of something so important to our breed!

  • Well, your UNCLE Dude and Ono sure are lovely show dogs as well.
    She is very good in the crate Fran, and as the weather is getting nice, spending a lot of time outside in the sun, when she can find it!
    Yes, its wonderful to see how all these imports are going to help b's…

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