• House breaking Chief is going slow but I think we are getting there finally!!!.
    It didnt help that shortly after we brought him home I ended up on crutches. I couldnt walk and carry him to the door at the same time so usually he would end up peeing on the floor on our way to the door as I pleaded with him no no no and he looked up at me as he went as if to say Whaaaat?.

    I was really getting frustrated when I could painfully limp him to the yard and he would pee and I would tell him good boy and slip him a treat then the minute we get in the house he would pee again.

    Now I think he is conning me by peeing in small batches. So I tell him to go pee a few times until he seems out of pee. But each time he gets a treat. We still aren't accident free but things are way better. If he only knew when he is totally potty trained he can sleep with us.

    He is not adjusting well to the crate. He screams like a banshee and usually pees in his bed. Is this normal after all this time? I get up several times to let him outside but even after only a couple of hours I have to put in fresh bedding. I know he hates it and I'm at a loss. I give him a kong filled with peanut butter or cheese but the minute its gone he screams the house down even when Zoey is crated next to him. Will he ever adjust?

  • Was his crate taught to him as a place where there is food and treats? From what I understand, doing that will help them learn that the crate is not a place for eliminating their bodies.

  • Have you tried putting him in the same crate as Zoey? Do you have one big enough? When I brought home C-Me and Franie, they shared a crate at night to start off. While they would fuss for the first few minutes after that they were off to dream land….. And now they sleep in separate crates next to each other.

    As far as peeing, I find that boy puppies are the hardest to potty train with peeing... They just don't seem to "get" it very well... and by the time they know they have to go, too late, they just go. Have you been able to "catch" him in the act? And if so, give him a very loud correction along with taking him out immediately? I know with my two girls, C-Me was the first to "get" it and go outside by herself to go potty, but that was only last week for the first time... and not all the time... Franie has yet to have the "light" go on...

  • The crates are too small to put them both in though occationally they have gone in together on their own its crowded. We have the crates together. Last night being so tired I caved and brought him to bed taking him out 2 times in the night. While i'm at work they are crated but zoe always sleeps with us. I hate to crate at night especially on the days they will be crated more then a few hours. My fear is that he will be one of those dogs that can't be crated.

    On the up side we started putting up our fence, we worked all weekend setting post and today hubby put up almost a third of it. I can't wait to see them run around the yard freely. I took them to a safe place once to run with my bosses dobermans and they had a blast. Best behaved dogs in the world slept for hours :).

    Zoe on the other hand has turned into a little witch. As was suggested I think she is protective of chief. She even turned on Lizzy when she came over the first few minutes than they were fine. But all her previous doggy friends get snarled at when chief gets near them. I hope she settles soon. She has one old dog who looks forward to seeing her on his walks flinching around her now.

  • @Forever:

    Zoe on the other hand has turned into a little witch. As was suggested I think she is protective of chief. She even turned on Lizzy when she came over the first few minutes than they were fine. But all her previous doggy friends get snarled at when chief gets near them. I hope she settles soon. She has one old dog who looks forward to seeing her on his walks flinching around her now.

    When Liyah was a baby - if Brando started to go off on her, Ruby would put herself in between Liyah & Brando. Ruby was very protective of Liyah when Liyah was a pup. Ruby doesn't interfere as much anymore - once in a while she gets involved - she pretty much just lets Brando handle it now.

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