My puppy is Not eating - help!
I agree with the others that 2 cups is too much food. I would cut back to half that and see how it goes. Also, at 6 months she may not be done teething and her mouth may hurt. Take a look in her mouth and see if you see any baby teeth still hanging in there, inflamed gums, or crooked teeth.
It is controlled feeding, only available to her in the morning, at lunch and dinner.
She is starting to lose weight, but just a little. So I am a bit concerned.
A friend recommended putting the food in some chicken broth. Do any of you have experience with mixing the food with chicken broth?
Be careful re peanut butter, my b is allergic.
How are her poops? Solid, soft?
If she is losing weight, I would get her to a vet.
Who is the breeder, if I can ask? -
Tanza is right, they never starve themselves ever if they are healthy. My puppy went through a faze where she just wasn't interested in eating much. It seems like a common B thing. I personally would not recommend changing her feed (as long as it's a good wholesome food-what is she eating by the way, I didn't see you mention that) because the more you cater to them the more picky they tend to become - they are that smart. :P
Possibly she is only wanting one meal a day?
Personally I would be a little concerned if she is losing weight even though she is otherwise healthy. I don't know of these feeds but assume Origen is a reputable one. I would get her checked at the vets as well as following the advice given. -
+1, Ms. Tanza.
AJ gets sick if he only eats one meal per day. I split them up just as you described, with as close to 12 hours between as possible and one cookie at bedtime.
For all who don't know, AJ is neutered 7-year-old male. He gets about 1/2 to 3/4 cup at each feeding with the contents of a salmon oil capsule on it, or some other goodie he likes.
I have 3 basenjis 2 older males pushing 30 pounds and one 3yr female at about 20. They each get about 1/3 c twice a day of Evo (grain free kibble) and about 2-4 Tablespoons of home made muttloaf. While the boys weigh more, the girl is younger/more active. They get a little more food in the winter b/c they burn more calories trying to keep warm.
I will second everyone else and just go down to the two meals a day. You can give her a mid day snack like a few cookies. But her poos can be soft because she is eating to much food and causing the slight weight loss because it is just coming out LOL
Also like most, my adult only eats 2/3 of a cup a day. With the amount on the bags they are just "recommend" amounts. You have to adjust to what is best for your pup/dog and feed them what works to keep them at an ideal weight.