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Possible B Mix in OH

Basenji Rescue
  • There is someone taking a look at this dog this weekend. I hope she gets adopted!

  • My Brother in Law is going to go get her tomorrow.

    I am so excited for them!


  • She is pretty could be she has some Shiba if so she will really be a super great dog. Happy for your brother-in-law and tell them thank you. Had my Shiba for 11 years if I can tell you anything about them let me know. They are like the B in lots of ways. Good luck.

    Rita Jean

  • My BIL adopted Miya today.
    He thinks she is only abut a year old, but he says she is adorable and very sweet.


  • I was not able to see the photo, but wonderful that this dog was saved.
    Keep us posted on how she settles in.

  • I fixed the pictures above I think. It's a link now.

    She is already getting attached to my MIL, so it is very exciting.

    She is such a sweet and happy, and lovey little wiggle butt.

    It took 5 minutes for her to figure out that the clicker meant treats, and to learn to not pull on leash or we didn't move. She is really smart.


  • When my Mother in law and Brother in law took Miya to be spayed, when
    they opened her up, they found that she was pregnant with 4 pups, 4 to
    5 weeks along.
    Since she was already under anaesthesia, and opened up, it was too
    late to save the pups, but according to the vet the sire must have
    been pretty big, and there almost certainly would have been
    complications had she gone full term.
    Miya recovered from her surgery quite well, and is going through a bit
    of nesting and carrying around toys like pups, but doesn't seem any
    worse for the wear.
    The vet techs were all amazed at what a sweet and beautiful girl she is.
    The vet didn't even charge my MIL extra for the pregnant spay, or the extra overnight stay to keep an eye on her.

    I noticed that the first post in this thread was from 2/23. Since Miya's spay was on 3/31, she must have been bred just before being turned in!
    It was fortunate that my MIL and BIL adopted her when they did, because she would have started to show within about the next week, and then she would have been very hard to adopt out.


  • Oh my, that would have been a bit of surprise if they had waited a while for the spay. Glad to hear she is doing well.

  • Thanks.

    It definitely would have been a surprise. I am glad they did not wait!


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