• Hello everyone, My name is Chris from Pennsylvania and this is my first post. I have been reading through the threads since I joined and it's a wonderful place for information. I have finished the long process of deciding if I am ready for a Basenji puppy and now that I am would like any input as to good, honest breeders in Pa and surrounding states. I have been or tried to contact several with limited success. One in NJ did call me after I sent an email and we had a good conversation and I appreciated that very much. Hopefully soon I will be going to see her dogs in person. There is another breeder 45 minutes from my house which I called but she never called me back. That sort of thing bothers me and I guess that is kinda where I am looking for guidance. Both breeders are on the BCOA website and are probably good people but first impressions are making me lean one way instead of the other. Should that kind of thing impact my decision with breeders? Sorry, this became longer than I expected but I just want to make sure I'm going to get a good dog from a good breeder. I didn't put names or anything like that because I didn't know if that is allowed and I don't want to talk negatively about anybody.


  • This is my experience with breeders in general: They are busy people! For most breeders, breeding is a hobby and not something that they do full time. I can understand being frustrated at not hearing back from a breeder but your email could have gone to junkmail, or perhaps was forgotten (life gets busy!), when contacting a breeder I always send 2 emails and then give up lol. Im sure a breeder will chime in.
    IMO when looking for a breeder you want to look for a bunch of things. The most important to me is health testing and size of the operation. If the person is pumping out litter after litter i would stay away. You want to make sure that they test for the appropriate concerns for the breed, which in basenji's I understand it would be faconi's, hips, elbows? and Im sure someone else can fill in on the rest. If they dont health test dont buy! Titles are another important thing for me, it doesnt matter whether it is conformation or a sport, but it shows that the breeder has a goal besides breeding cute dogs or making extra money.
    Good breeders will take the time to talk to you, ask you questions about your lifestyle, how the pup will be treated, where it will live. You will be required to sign a contract and if it is a pet home speuter your dog. The breeder will also require you to return the dog if anything should happen that you cannot keep it.

    Im a noob to basenji's but Im a huge advocate of responsible breeding. Im sure more people can elaborate.

  • I'm a firm believer in following up an email with a phone call if I don't hear back from someone. Not everyone is great at email and sometimes there are computer problems, people are traveling, or email is treated as spam, etc. I never believe computer contact is 100% reliable. Also, when I got my first basenji, originally I wanted to talk to the breeder before I ever met them in person anyway.

    Oh, and regarding health testing, if you are given the names of the sire & dam of your potential pup you can verify the health tests that have been done at http://www.offa.org. I strongly urge you to verify on your own that health testing has been done (and with the appropriate results) - not everyone is honest about it. For me, I'd look to see that Fanconi, hips, patellas and CERF (eyes) have been done. I know not all breeders pay to have their CERF results posted there (which IMHO, I find odd) - so I'd ask the breeder to see the CERF results if they are not posted.

    Good luck in your search.

  • Renaultf1's suggestions are right on. I always agree that a follow up phone call is a good idea. As said, some are really good about email, some are not. And email can get lost in "cyberspace" as we all know happens.

    And regardless of the breeder you choose, you should always check out health results on your own. Here is a good link for finding a breeder. www.basenji.org/learn and go to screening breeders. You can also find information about health and health testing on the parent club site.

  • Also, find out where there is a local dog show. Go watch the b's and talk to the folks showing after the are done.
    Now, most show breeders are great at testing..some, not so much, but you have the info, above, you need to check them out.
    Let us know how it goes.
    Good for you for doing your homework BEFORE you get a pup.

  • yep, definitely don't cross anyone off your list until you talk to them. I have been guilty in the past of not getting back to someone inquiring about a puppy…particularly when I am not planning a litter any time soon. Give the breeder the benefit of the doubt, and try to contact one more time 🙂

    Also, the more info you can give in your introductory message, the better...I am much less likely to respond to a thoughtfully written note about why you think you want a B...than "I am looking for a male puppy in December...how much are yours?"

  • The next show in PA is at the State Farm Show Building in Harrisburg 17-19 April. Preliminary counts say that there should be just a few basenjis there - 17 on Sat, 15 on Sunday, and 10 on Monday I will have two dogs entered on all three days. If you'd like more info just let me know.


  • hi Chris - welcome to the forum. Way to go for doing research before buying a basenji. You'll be happy that you did.

  • Thanks for the reply's everbody. I have been checking everything I can online including www.offa.org and http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com.
    This is my first time searching for a puppy and I was basically just trying to find out how I should interact with breeders. I understand they are very busy and I don't want to be a pest nor do I want to be overlooked as someone just sorta interested. I am just trying to cover all bases and I 'm probably a little too excited about finally having the opportunity to own a dog. Thanks again.


  • hi caseeno8 - my first personal contact with a couple of breeders and a basenji/all breeds rescue worker/advocate were at a dog show and were wonderful. I was honoured to meet Sharron Hurlbut who is on this forum. It was a most warm meeting. Though Sharron was busy, she took the time to introduce me to two breeders, one who I have maintained email contact with because I am impressed with her dogs and her breeding ethics.

    I have to tell you that both of the breeders spent a fair amount of time talking to me about their dogs and their breeding programs. I'm not sure if all dog breeders are the same, but I found the basenji folks very willing to talk about their dogs. One breeder thought I was perfectly normal when I asked to sniff one of her dogs. Okay, that just did it for me, because not only did I love what I smelled (pure warmth and love), but the breeder probably got a good idea of the love I want to give one of these splendid dogs in the future. That and the fact that I am a total basenji lover.

    So I would have to say that visiting a dog show and finding the basenji breeders is probably the best way to get to know a breeder. From there, keep in contact with them so that eventually you may be able to visit their homes, see their dogs, and get a better feel for their breeding program. Good luck, and remember that all questions are either answered on here or via personal e-mail contact.

  • Thanks for the nice words Fran. I think your petty swell as well.
    I do know any b that falls into your hands will be very well loved, treated…

  • My experience is that we meet lovely breeders at dog shows. They may hand you a leash and you get to hold their basenji for a half hour, or tell you that you will be running them in show the ring if their friend doesn't show up! ( a lovely woman who had 2 of her own to show, they would be the only ones in that particular round, and the dog was a "self shower"). Her friend showed up so my brief career as a handler ended before it started, luck for the dog. Go, introduce yourself, be genuine and hopefully they will be too.

  • I do have to brag about the breeders in the PNW. A quality group to be sure!
    If you have any chance to come up to Seattle in Aug. There is a basenji show you will not want to miss.

  • Hubby and I are in for the August show!

  • Caseeno8 - Here's the schedule for the Basenjis at the Harrisburg shows:
    Sat - 0900 Ring 8
    Sun - 1230 Ring 9
    Mon - 0830 Ring 11

  • Thanks for the ring times Karen!

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