Info on this site correct?
Actually, this article is filled with misinformation.
The best explanation of why the basenji fancy felt it necesary to open the studbook and why we feel that there is a limited opportunity to do so is in the Petition to the AKC from BCOA,
Basenjis will not always be in Africa and the regions they are native to are not stable and are the center for a lot of war and strife. Basenjis are not found throughout the African continent there is a defined geographical region and not every African village dog is a basenji.
Thank you, It didn't seem right to me, but wanted to check with you all.
They really twisted existing information to suit the point they were trying to make rather than trying to really understand the information. Basenjis are doing much better than other breeds with larger foundations but as a fancy we have tried to be proactive about genetic diversity and widening our base of founders. I also think the fancy is very well aware that our world is ever shrinking and that the Native Basenji will not be available forever and even now it is difficult to find truly isolated populations. There are some truly unique traits that are characteristic of basenjis that would be a real shame to lose by just calling any African village dog a basenji.
We were recently visited by a priest from Uganda and he had no idea that our Basenjis were an African breed; he'd never seen any dogs like them before. He said in Uganda the dogs are large, bark, and are used for protection of property and family. He did guess that, due to their size and shape, the Basenji must be some sort of hunting dog.
So, yeah, Basenjis are not throughout Africa and all African dogs are not Basenjis!
I know the difference between village b's and what we have here. There is a BIG difference and it should be recognized.
How many Bs actually have a problem with PPM, IPSID and Fanconi? I wish the author would have stated a percentage. I am sure these diseases were around before the 70s. I think the Basenji community is combating these diseases with health testing and genetic research. I definitely do not think the Basenji breed is collapsing and is an inbred genetic mess, unless one is talking about BYB's and comercial breeders who breed for the petstores. These are the dogs I see that have multiple genetic problems. Most of these come through rescue.
I have a recent younger female rescue that has an underbite, and is missing 2of her bottom front teeth. She is a poor speciman of a Basenji that came from a commercial breeder.
How come so many people say the Basenji is a rare breed? I do not consider it one but perhaps I am sadly mistaken!
It is laughable that she mentioned NextDayPets. The only people that sell dogs on that website are the BYBs and commercial breeders who were unable to sell their pups to dealers or want to sell them for more money than the dealers pay. The majority do no health testing at all including the DNA Fanconi test. The reputable breeders do not sell on that website. The only people who are buying dogs from it are the ones that do no research or do not want to have a home check/screening, etc.
I did not see any mention of the DNA Fanconi testing and the open database meaning that one cannot hide the results. I have only been in the breed since 1992 but I think Basenji breeders are more open than ever about health testing and health problems in their lines. I want to thank all the breeders who are health testing and are improving the health quality of our dogs.
Those of you who don't know who Jennifer Hill is, please go to the site on this forum about 6 yr old b needing a home.
I was going to rewrite it here, but even for me, that is over the top.
Jennifer Hill is wonderful.
I am so glad she found the forum.