• Welcome to the forum! 🙂

  • Welcome at te forum!

  • Welcome to the group. Nice to meet another basenji lover.

  • Welcome to the forum, do you already have a Basenji?

  • I actually do not. I am very interested in the breed and really want to see if this breed is right for me. If I do decide to get a Basenji, I wanted to go to signet kennels for a showdog

  • If you want to get an idea of what b's are like, you can attend local dog shows, talk to folks who have them. Or you can go to a rescue site.
    and read the reality stories.
    Not all b's do all of these thing, but some of them do…so we don't want you to be surprised.

  • Thank you for the read. I will make sure to save this. When i read how they like to lean I thought whoa 22 lbs thats a break. My roomate has a great dane and it gets a little tiring when a 120lbs dane chooses you as its wall

  • Hee. yes Dane are big dogs, but I have to tell you, when this breed is on your lap, standing with the pointy feet into your legs..its can feel like 100 lbs.
    But they are really the most wonderful dog…the are so darn smart, and the very best sense of humor often at your expense than any other breed.. I love them and can't imagine not having 2!

  • Welcome to the Forum! I love Basenji's and will always have one (or two or maybe three!!) in my life. But I have to say, as wonderful as they are, they are not the dog for everyone. Be sure you will have enough time for a Basenji because they need a lot of exercise and stimulation and they get bored very easily - as a busy young person you may want to seriously consider this. I think it's great that you are doing the research and learning more about them at the dog show. If you find a Basenji to be a good match for you, be prepared for a lifelong love affair!

  • k.rass, you said it perfectly.

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