Africa re bringing b's back
lvoss, thanks for sharing..
The second picture..oh so cute, the first one is nice too, but I really like the second one..
May we have more please? -
Lisa was nice enough to post these for me. I have yet to master the posting of photos.
The second photo is of James Johannes. He planned the trip and I think they will do another one, someday.
When he shares photos with me, I will share them with you all. -
Bryan said they are still working to get rid of the worms these puppies have. Its not a easy process, as they have so many types and they want to make sure the b's don't get any type of reaction to the medications.
Also, if any of you are on facebook, you can go to Bryan Gregorys site and check out the photos he just posted.
Lisa is the blond woman, Laurie, is Bryans wife, brown hair sitting as I recall..and many b photos. -
Bryan said they are still working to get rid of the worms these puppies have. Its not a easy process, as they have so many types and they want to make sure the b's don't get any type of reaction to the medications.
Also, if any of you are on facebook, you can go to Bryan Gregorys site and check out the photos he just posted.
Lisa is the blond woman, Laurie, is Bryans wife, brown hair sitting as I recall..and many b photos.Thanks for the update. I saw those FaceBook photos earlier, they are really cool. I love the one of the group of dogs looking through a door and the three dogs with the little child.
I didn't realize I should have that the dogs would be full of "thing's" we don't often see in the states.
But once these b's are done with that, I know they will be fully tested re BCOA standards and breeders standards, and will be a great asset to the breed. -
The secon picture is very much like my bitch, Spring. Actually a few years ago we took her and Gbala to see Michaela Dennis who had Basenjis in the Congo many in the 50s/50s (She and her husband used to have a series on thier lives on UK Television. I don't suppose there are many on the Forum who would remember). She was in her 90s and happened to be in a hospital in England. She said that Spring and Gbala were exactly like the basenjis that she had then!
She did write a book 'Leopard in my Lap' which talked about, and had photographs of Basenjis. I know of a couple of breeders who started in Basenjis on reading that book Sorry nothing to do with this post really.
I went over to see Lisa Saban's puppies today. Oh, heavens! they are so darn cute.
I think the will make great additions to the b's blood lines.
I will share photos when I can get them from others.
I tell you, as difficult as this trip was at some time, if you all have the $$ to go, you can find some wonderful dogs there. -
If any of you can come to Argus Ranch, in Auburn Wa state, in Aug the weekend of 6-8 you will be able to see these Africans. That is the big Evergreen Basenji specality.
I attend all 3 days and its b's every day.
Wonderful! -
I had the opportunity to visit the African puppies residing at Jumoke on my way to the Seattle show this past weekend. It was amazing to see them, it is hard to wrap your head around the fact that they are fresh out of the jungle. They are full of love and I feel so lucky to have been able to see them as puppies! I can't wait to watch them grow up and hopefully become a new addition to our stock.
Oh, I wish I could have met you..I was there both days..Maybe we can meet at the August basenji show?
Sharron, This is Libby! With r/w basenji boy Dude. I was only at the show on Sunday, I came up with Kathy.
I didn't see you :(
Oh, Libby! I watched you in the ring, and was going to come over to say Hi. Started talking to someone else, and turn around and couldn't find you.
But I was cheering for you!
Are you doing the Argus ranch this year? I will be there both days, so if you can come up we will find time to visit. -
I had a great time last summer and hope to attend again this summer! :)
Pictures are now available on my website ( ) of the new Congo dogs. Click on new congo puppies announcement or Ntomba Dogs on the menu.
James E Johannes -
So cool..I love'em. Thanks for sharing..
The breeders will decide who if any get in to the BCOA. But as someone who is glad they "look" like b's to me, I am happy to have them here.
I saw the "red" one Lisa has..the color is just wonderful…as far as structure, and show things, I leave that to the pros. -
The breeders will decide who if any get in to the BCOA. But as someone who is glad they "look" like b's to me, I am happy to have them here.
I saw the "red" one Lisa has..the color is just wonderful…as far as structure, and show things, I leave that to the pros.Well, not exactly.. the owners will decide to put up dogs to be judged for temperament and conformation/breed type… with a panel of 3 (Lisa, correct me if this is not correct). Then the ones that pass the "inspection" will be voted on by the entire BCOA membership, not just breeders.
Pat, thanks for this info. I just wonder how many of the BCOA members are non breeders.
But as these b's grow, I would be interested in your and Lisa's input re their qualities. -
Pat, thanks for this info. I just wonder how many of the BCOA members are non breeders.
But as these b's grow, I would be interested in your and Lisa's input re their qualities.More then there are breeders, that is for sure