• It is true that same sex pairs usually work better. It is also true that girl fights are far worse, in general. The other thing is that it may work fine at first and then you get to a point where it doesn't work and you are faced with either separating your household or rehoming one of the dogs.

  • I think you've got a great idea going about getting the fence up first. Working on the set up for a new puppy will make it much easier for you once you get your precious new basenji home. Fence, puppy proofing, garbage can inside a closed door…. there are lots of things to keep you busy while you research breeders who will eventually provide you with your special pup.

  • We are all here to help you with anything you need re your new b. I love the boy's myself, I often think they are sweeter than the girls…

  • You have many good breeders that are not really all that far from you… almost in every direction. Go to www.basenji.org and to the breeder referral list.

    I would run far away from puppyfind.com and yes there are some of us that will put puppies on there just so that not everything there is from a pure for profit breeder and with any luck can do some education.

    And typically opposites are the better choice… and how long will your son's dog be with you? While you might be OK with two bitches, it could get really nasty with "3", as in 3 is a crowd. As they say, it works till it doesn't.

    I love the boys... if your husband is worried about things like marking, B Boys rarely ever do that...

  • Here's my perspective on having 2 girls and 1 boy in the house. My 2 girls hold grudges and my boy may get temporarily pi$$ed, but once a tiff is over, he moves on. When my girls get into it, I have actually had to separate them temporarily (usually make them sit next to each other in their crates) - I want them to be able to see each other, but not continue trying to pick a fight. Once they are back together I watch them like a hawk.

    So far I've been lucky with my 2 girls. Ruby (5yo) is my 15mo Liyah's grandmother. Ever since Liyah was a pup, Ruby would reprimand Liyah. Liyah had the ultimate respect for Ruby and would stop all movement and just take whatever Ruby would dish out.

    The dynamic is much different now. When Liyah is playing roughly with the adults, if Ruby gets pi$$ed she'll turn it up a notch and make it even rougher on Liyah. When that happens, Liyah gets defensive and if Ruby doesn't stop, Liyah will go after her. No way in h*ll that Ruby will back down to her so it takes me to break it up and separate them - this has happened 3 times so far - once was last night. Usually if I see Ruby step it up a notch, I break up the play - but I don't always see it.

    So while it may never get worse than this, in the back of my mind I wonder "is this it" any time the girls get into it.

    If you decide to do 2 girls, be sure to have a game plan in case it doesn't work.

  • @tanza:

    I love the boys… if your husband is worried about things like marking, B Boys rarely ever do that...

    I have to agree with the marking part - my boy Brando (5yo) is intact and he has never marked in the house, even when Liyah was in season.

  • The breeder I talked to and am thinking of leaving a deposit with is Djakomba though this year might be too late and I dont know if she is thinking of a litter for next year.

    My revolving door is swinging my one son is close to moving out and the new girl in his life loves Lizzy and actually I only get lizzy once in awhile. (Sure now that they almost never fight) She comes over takes her and I wont see her for days until they are both working same shift and drop her off here. She might spend the night then they come get her again.

    On the other hand lol my oldest is moving in for a short while with his wife and her cat. But if things dont work out for the cat they will keep him in their room.
    As it is only till August.

    Dont Know they keep coming back. My youngest who thinks the only good dog is a basenji just moved to Texas. Started his job yesterday and though I miss him hoping he wont be using our revolving door any time soon:rolleyes:

  • Whoever you decide to go with, just remember to do the health checking yourself, do not rely on what you are told. And look for more then just Fanconi testing. And as noted many times, the OFA site is the place to look for health testing. In some cases you might not find Eye results, as some breeders do not want to pay to have that information included, however if that is the case, then ask for a copy of the CERF report

  • I guess I will have to dig a little deeper with hubby and try and find out what he has against boys. If I remember right while stationed in Japan he found a boy dog wandering and wanted to keep him and try to bring him back with us to the states but before we had to work on that the owner claimed him, thank god we were young I didnt need that. Though hubby wasreluctant to give him back, because the dog had almost been hit , it was an officers dog lol so doggy went home.

  • @tanza:

    Whoever you decide to go with, just remember to do the health checking yourself, do not rely on what you are told. And look for more then just Fanconi testing. And as noted many times, the OFA site is the place to look for health testing. In some cases you might not find Eye results, as some breeders do not want to pay to have that information included, however if that is the case, then ask for a copy of the CERF report

    Before I leave a deposit if she is still excepting I will get all the info. I know she stated she tested for fanconi. But I will make sure I check myself. I was hoping someone on here might be familiar with this breeder so I could get some feedback as well. I found that breeder on the BCOA site. I also called a few others on there.

  • @Forever:

    Before I leave a deposit if she is still excepting I will get all the info. I know she stated she tested for fanconi. But I will make sure I check myself. I was hoping someone on here might be familiar with this breeder so I could get some feedback as well. I found that breeder on the BCOA site. I also called a few others on there.

    I believe there are others on here with dogs from Doris. If you would like to email me privately

  • Houston

    I wish you luck in finding that perfect little addition..so much fun.

  • Regarding vets, I had a sad situation yesterday. I was in to pick up a medication for one of my cats. I casually told the vet that I was looking to purchase a basenji in the future. She screwed up her nose and said that I could find a better breed. Then she said "well, at least they don't have any health problems". So I mentioned Fanconi, and she said "oh, that's the problem with the femur". HUH?????????????? All of that really told me that though my vet is great with cats, and I am sure other dogs, she won't be that great with a basenji. 😞

  • @Kipawa:

    Regarding vets, I had a sad situation yesterday. I was in to pick up a medication for one of my cats. I casually told the vet that I was looking to purchase a basenji in the future. She screwed up her nose and said that I could find a better breed. 😞

    I think the proper response to that would be "Probably not, but I bet I can find a better vet" 🙂

    Really can not imagine a professional in the pet business saying that.

  • My thoughts exactly… and with that attitude I would not take any animals to that Vet

  • I cant imagine a vet saying that. I just had zoey in the vet today and they always comment on how good she is. In fact while they were taking her temperature the tech asked her how she was feeling today, I said she is probably thinking I would be better if you weren't sticking something in my bum. As I said that she turned and sniffed at the thermometer stuck where the sun dont shine very calm.

  • My vet, 20 yrs ago didnt' know about fanconi, but did work to learn about it.
    If you like your vet and think they are "trainable" get them some info from the net.
    If it doesn't help your dog, it might help a dog in the future.

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