Paco the Pup
Paco is gorgeous, i love his White blaze, sounds like he will keep you on your toes :D
He's more than happy to be here! Quietly napping in his crate now - this is almost too good to be true!
Thanks all! He's been an absolute EASE so far on behavior…maybe he'll make up for it later when he realizes what kind of dog he is. :P
I'm honestly having more trouble with the 5 mo. old chihuahua mix upstairs sigh He's a real brat and wants to do everything you don't want him to do, and nothing you do want him to do. He's a real nipper, too, which makes it really difficult for me not to get mad at him. Patience, patience, patience...
Adding some more pictures; definitely showing off Paco, and not my photography skills here. I've been meaning to charge the camera battery and set some time aside - but he just keeps me too busy to remember! :P
He's a happy looking Pup, in the first pic he looks like he was yodelling. Has he bumped his nose?
Yes; came home one day and it seems he hit his nose trying to escape the crate; it's healing well, though. He was definitely making noise in the first one, lol, more howling than yodeling, but he definitely wanted me to stop taking pictures and to start playing.
Thanks, Maya. :) It was only after I got him that I found out that he had a bit more white on him than normal - but for us and where we live all it means is extra wipe-downs to keep the white looking that way! :D