Gorgeous little boy
What a cutie, you are sure to enjoy him.
lovely lil puppy…
He is so cute..yes, innocent look might be deceiving.
Just some more pictures from us, I'm sneaking in the ones of Kahlo also.
Snow dog
Kasko wants to join Kahlo and play - but the snow is deep and c-c-cold!
Ehm, Doesn't looke safe, does it? (Kahlo jumps because she saw Kasko and wants to not run into him )
Tiny puppy - big toy
"Watcha doing?"
Well, they did pose nicly - until I pushed the button…
Not that she is mad, or anything…
Now you see what roll model Kasko has lol - he'll grow up believing he is a Giant Schnauzer.breake
Yammy - snow
Happy Go Lucky Snow Monster
Looks like he has a world of sorrow…
Part II of Giant VS Basenji - the movie:
I dont think either of them is quite tame…