• Hello,

    I just stumbled upon this forum and decided to join. I have a black and white basenji girl, 8 y.o. named Loki. She is my (and my partner's) pride and joy. She is very cute, very smart, very stubborn and afraid of plastic bags wafting down the street! She's not a yodeler, but she is a basenji 500 racer and is fast as lightning. She's currently started thyroid meds for hypothyroidism and once we get her weight off with meds and exercise, we hope to have her out lure coursing this year, depending on our schedules.

    We got Loki when we moved to the 'burbs from Philadelphia. At first she was a holy terror, bossy to other basenji, Titan, and she was also a destroyer of chairs and rugs in her crate. Titan would look at us in astonishment when she would steal his toys and would seem to say "just whose brilliant decision was THIS???"

    Her behavior changed 360 degrees one weekend when we went down to Washington, DC to see the cherry blossoms and brought only her along to actually see the blossoms. She loved being on a girls' only outing, being the ONLY basenji and being fawned upon by many people. After that, she made up her mind that we were OK to live with and here we are 8 years later!

    Our boy Titan unfortunately had Fanconi disease and developed a brain tumor that took him from us way too early. Due to the tumor, he sometimes would become very disoriented and scared during walks and refuse to go any further. During these times Loki was the soul of patience, graciously curtailing her walks for him.

    Loki likes long walks and has a special park she loves to go to. When we go to the park she will find a spot and quietly sit and watch the world go by for hours and hours, if we had the time. We call it her zen time. She loves going there in any season. When her times comes, I think we will scatter her ashes in this place she so dearly loves.

    Loki now lives with 4 (count 'em, 4) cats who we acquired as strays and from a shelter. Her best buddy is Kimba, a 2 y.o. tabby who insists on being carried outside when we let Loki out for bathroom breaks. Kimba dotes on Loki and will nap with her on her dog bed and brush against her and occasionally clean her ears.

    So, hello to everyone for Loki and from me!


  • Welcome DEC2274 and Loki from another PA basenji servant! 🙂 What a touching story about Titan. Would love to see pictures of your babies!
    Hmmmmm - maybe I should take my Stormie to see the cherry blossoms in DC this spring- wonder if that would help his attitude?! 🙂

  • Hello and welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing pictures of Loki.

  • Welcome!! And what a sweet girl you have there! 🙂

  • Welcome - and what great stories! Enjoy the forum, there are lots of great things to read and people to share your stories with…lots of laughs too! We'd love to see pictures if you can.

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