And here I thought my prima donna teenage girls were special…
Lola flat out INSISTS I hold the blankets open for her to crawl under. She uses her cold nose to peck at my face and shoulders until I comply. She started this the very FIRST night she was home with us! She came home from the breeder's like this, and she never slept in a bed at the breeder's, so I don't know where on earth she got this from.
Callie will give me the creepy stare until I lift the blankets for her. She slept in a crate with her littermate at night before she came to live with me, and it took her a couple of weeks to figure out where Lola was going at night. Since then, she insists on being under the covers as well.
They will both sleep all day under the covers if I let them.
Two months after Callie came home to live with us, I went out of town, and Callie's breeder kept Lola & Callie for the weekend. They both slept in separate crates downstairs (dogs aren't allowed upstairs at the breeder's house). In the middle of the night, Callie's breeder woke up to find Callie in bed with her! She had escaped out of her crate, jumped a babygate & found a cozy bed to sleep in. No more crates for her!