• Hello!

    I am new here but have been researching what dog is perfect for me for the last 2 years. Finally the time has arrived when I will be able to provide a great life for my companian buddy. Before he even arrives I will have his crate, bed, shot appt, training scheduled, leash, clothes, and toys ready and waiting for him. He'll even have a couple of young Bengal cats brother and sister too.

    I am looking for the perfect Basenji for me, and I would like to say that I will take any of them, but I really want a great one that I can feel very happy and proud that I am putting all my effort into. I do not plan to show or breed, but am interested in lure coursing and agility training, depending on if he is or not too. I am willing to pay a breed or show price if he is the one for me.

    I am considering all colors but have a preference in this order: red, black, brindle, tri - but if definitely depends on the markings and the dog's personality too! He will live inside and be treated like my child. He will get a morning and/or after work walk and will go out with my wife and I on the weekends. He will be able to visit and socialize with our friends and their dogs regularly so he won't be left home and out of the fun often. He will have almost a half acre fenced yard to run in when I am out there with him also. I have a puppy kindergarten class and professional working obedience dog classes in line. I'll give him at least a week before though to let him adjust to his new home.

    If anyone knows of any puppies available, please let me know! I have certain implications that I am not able to work around. I am currently in the United States Air Force and deployed to Afghanisitan. You can see how this might make things difficult as far as seeing and picking the puppy up. My return date is estimated to be May 5th, so the earliest I can pick him up is probably by the 10th. I will drive almost anywhere within the continental US, as I don't want to ship my little buddy on a plane anywhere! I drove 9 hours each way to pick up my Bengal kittens. My wife is also avaialble as a contact. I will obviously need many pictures and I am going to picky of the breeder. I will also be willing to wait another year (though it'll be really tough!) if I can't find the Basenji i think will be perfect for our family.

    Please, if anyone can help me out in my search of a Basenji, please send me a message or an email. If it would be possible for a breeder to hold a puppy that they know has a great temperment and great personality for me, that would be nice 😉 Price is not a concern, but I know what the normal prices should be around. I've done 2 years of research and planning and I'm ready, I just need to bring him home now 😎

    Any help is appreciated, thanks and have a good day!


  • Oh yeah, please don't hesistate to contact me for any reason. I have been searching breeder sites but half or more of them are blocked because I am at work. The military has their internet behind a proxy so all the "cool" sites are blocked :mad:

    Best way to contact me is probably by email. If phone is needed once we get to that point I will be able to get to one on most days and my wife is also available at home.

    :edit: oops, just read we can't post emails in threads, sorry

    Any of those will work, I check them every day - the third one will be deleted in May though. I may not be able to check the forums every day for messages.

  • Can you access the Basenji Club of America Website? www.basenji.org? if so please go to "Find a Basenji Puppy" and then you can access how to find a responsible breeder. Also there are many threads on the forum regarding responsible breeders and the need for health testing "BEFORE" breeding a litter. And why it is so important. Please go to a responsible breeder that breds for the right reasons… and one is NOT to make money... I don't know of any responsilbe breeder that has made money on a litter, usually it is a loss or if very lucky, break even. Responsible breeders to not breed to make money, they breed to improve the breed.

    Also, 90% of Basenjis are born in Nov/Dec time of year as they usually only come in season once a year. Most responsible breeders have reservations lists for their planned litters, so you might be better off when you return to then start your seach in ernest and visit with some breeders.

    On a personal note, thank you for your service to our country and God Bless

  • Thanks for the advice 🙂 I do have some experience in picking breeders as I have 2 purebred Bengal cats. I did a lot of searching and questions and all that. Finally decided on one in Kansas City and made the drive and stayed overnight.

    I definitely plan to do this right. I also know of the genetic predispositions my Basenji might have and know to get all the paperwork for regs and shots and test and health checks before getting too serious. I am also lucky to have an Aunt that bred Pomeranians for close to a decade, and my experience as a part of that was good base for me.

    I was aware of the breeding times, but I have seen in the past people advertising litters born as late as march. I do know me expecting to take a puppy home in May will make my chances of getting a young puppy a lot smaller, but I am ok with taking home a 16 week old puppy. I would prefer 10-12 weeks though, but if the puppy is being raised and socialized correctly I can't be too upset. I definitely thought I'd try now as I am definitely ready - rather than just let it go 'til next year.

    God bless and wish me luck 🙂

  • Sorry, forgot to answer your first question, lol. Yes I am able to access that site and I have read pretty much every page as well as many almost every Basenji info site that comes up in a google search for basenji 😎

  • You should come to the Lowell Arkansas lure coursing events, you can meet several basenjis there as we bring our two and there are other breeders there too. They are planning a 20 and 21 March event at Fayetteville, AR, maybe your wife cound come over? Its possible someone will know of a good match for you. I have taken in a couple rescues over the yrs and find a 2-3 yr old to be the perfect addition to a family, you would be more likely to find a breeder seeking a forever home for a recently finished champion rather than a puppy in the May time frame. We had ours for 22 of our 26 yrs in the Army, the one time we were both deployed at the same time during desert storm was a hard yr for all of us, our 2 basenjis stayed with the inlaws, but did well and were happy to be home when we returned.

  • Good job doing research… that is the best way to be prepared for a basenji!
    Do you mind if I ask what breeder is in Kansas City?
    Some of us do have spring litters [we had one this year and are planning one again next year].
    You might also want to look in to which breeders have girls that cycle in the spring,
    as it would mean a summer puppy [June/July] for you. Just a thought.
    Good luck… and THANK YOU for serving our country!

  • Hello,

    "I have a puppy kindergarten class and professional working obedience dog classes in line. "

    Be sure that the professional working obedience classes use positive methods involving food. Also when you look for your little buddy - be sure to pick one with an appetite. You can teach any basenji anything if they really like their food.

    "I will drive almost anywhere within the continental US, as I don't want to ship my little buddy on a plane anywhere! "

    No need to drive abysmally long distances or ship your little friend. When I breed, I knock off a substantial amount of the purchase price when folks from out of state fly in, pick up and fly back with their precious cargo riding along in the cabin under the seat. That way I get to meet the new owners, they get to see how their pup was raised and meet mom and/or dad and the pup and person are bonding the whole trip back. It's great.

    Good luck.

    Suzuki xl7

  • You should know that some b's are not good around cats, and some are.
    Most puppies will accept the cats in the house, as their Pack, but strange cats can have issues.
    Just a heads up

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    You should know that some b's are not good around cats, and some are.
    Most puppies will accept the cats in the house, as their Pack, but strange cats can have issues.
    Just a heads up

    LOL my CATS had no issues with dogs – they've always lived with dogs -- but my BASENJIS had issues with my cats! The four animals cannot co-exist in peace. Jazz could be taught to tolerate them, but Keoki is pretty much hopeless w/out having a professional come live with us for a month.
    I've never encountered such a determined dog when it comes to prey drive.

  • @JazzysMom:

    LOL my CATS had no issues with dogs – they've always lived with dogs -- but my BASENJIS had issues with my cats! The four animals cannot co-exist in peace. Jazz could be taught to tolerate them, but Keoki is pretty much hopeless w/out having a professional come live with us for a month.
    I've never encountered such a determined dog when it comes to prey drive.

    Usually (not always mind you) your breeder will try and pick the pup that they feel would be the best with a cat… one without the most prey drive... most times it works, but not always.

  • It is funny when it comes to cats and basenjis, there just doesn't seem to be any real pattern to what makes some combinations successful and others not. Of my four basenjis, only one doesn't really care for cats and it is not a harrassing, chasing thing, it is a really doesn't want them in her house thing. Rally always tolerated Spot as long as he followed her one written in stone rule which was no cats in the puppy room or anywhere near the puppy room. You would swear she thought cats fed on puppies. She also tolerates our cat Nu but he does not care for the dogs so stays out in his cat tree in the garage when the dogs are about. She did not tolerate our foster cats, two very sweet Bengal boys. My other three like cats. They will cuddle up to the cats and interact with them. Occassionally the youngsters can be a little much but they usually respond to the cat telling them to knock it off. Definately something to discuss with the breeder when trying to find the right match.

  • I think he'll do well with my cats. They have visited dogs and have been visited by dogs for a few hours to a week and they end up playing. I plan on bringing my pup over to friends' to visit early so I can socialize him early.

    The professional working dog obedience training is definitely by positive reinforcement. The classes are one on one, not group, and use food and rewards for training. Seeing as all the traininers there are certified and train dogs for narcotics, bomb detecting and police work, I expect great results.

    If possible, I would rather drive and bond with the dog in the car (my wife will drive back) than in the plane - where I can't take him out to go potty or hold him or be on the same level or control the atmosphere as much. If I can not drive, then I will fly with the basenji in the cabin, but I'll never have one shipped in a crate under the plane.

  • So nobody knows of any breeders that I can contact that might have litters being born in Jan-Mar?

  • @Solus:

    So nobody knows of any breeders that I can contact that might have litters being born in Jan-Mar?

    Did you try contacting any of the breeders on the Basenji Club of America website breeder's directory? They're listed by state so you might have some options nearer to than you were originally thinking.

  • The breeders that I know that are expecting litters have full waiting lists. This is really late to get started looking for a puppy this breeding season.

    Your best bet is to just start contacting breeders that have dogs with traits you are interested in and see if they may have a puppy that has become available because a home didn't work out or may have a spring litter. They may also know of other breeders near them that have a puppy available.

    Also, be prepared that there may not be a puppy available this year because it is late in the season to have started looking.

  • I do realize it is a bit late, and I almost just gave up and was just going to deal with waiting until next year. I had to prepare for my deployment which I am on now and I just can't not try to find my little buddy this year. Everything is ready, so if I can find one now, that'll be better than next year, even though I know I'm not looking at the optimal time.

    I do plan to contact pretty much every breeder on that list on my day off when I can get to regular internet. I've tried that list and most of them are blocked at work 8(

    I just thought there might be someone on here that is not on that list or knows of a reputable breeder they can reccomend or anything. Might as well try right?

  • You can visit my website, we just had a litter born on Christmas and have a few pups still available.
    If nature cooperates, we will have a spring litter out of a co-owned bitch, so that might be a possibility for you.

  • Sweet, thanks! Tomorrow is my day off and I'll be checking out a bunch of sites 😎

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