• So adorable! She conned me into another long walk in the snow!
    Dang, I'm a sucker for that face!

  • BOTH our B's LOVE it. 🙂 buy good snow gear and coats for the dogs. 🙂

  • We had 2 inches of snow last year and Abbey was fascinated by it but she was terrified of the snowman our neighbors made! Very suspicious of him.

  • I live in Maine - all 3 of mine love the snow. Mine go au naturale - they hate to wear clothes so I just limit their time out in the elements.

  • @Lenora:

    We had 2 inches of snow last year and Abbey was fascinated by it but she was terrified of the snowman our neighbors made! Very suspicious of him.

    Reminds me of when I took AJ across the Puget Sound on the ferry…when we returned to Seattle, it was after dusk. The fireplugs they have in that area look like dwarves with big hats on in the dark. AJ would give each one the widest berth he possibly could and not burrow under the fence. :eek: It was the first time I'd ever seen a dog afraid of a fireplug. 😃

  • We don't get snow here but Buddy jumps when we walk by all the fake Christmas deer and animals in people's front yards. The funniest is the air controlled Grinch on someone's front lawn that when the air lets in and out it slides in and out of a chimney. He stands there and stares at it.

  • Dan, will be happy to ship your way any and all snow we have this winter.

    Rita Jean

  • Houston

    We don't get snow here but Buddy jumps when we walk by all the fake Christmas deer and animals in people's front yards.

    Both Otis and Moses (podengo donkey, like our friends call him) go crazy when they see those white wire framed deers..I mean crazy, and I am looking like a total idiot of the neighborhood trying to convince them to "leave it" and move on…good luck..
    So glad to hear that Buddy is doing the same thing.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    Both Otis and Moses (podengo donkey, like our friends call him) go crazy when they see those white wire framed deers..I mean crazy, and I am looking like a total idiot of the neighborhood trying to convince them to "leave it" and move on…good luck..
    So glad to hear that Buddy is doing the same thing.

    Yep, the white wired ones. They must of had a big sale on them. The yards here are full of those one's that have the air pumped into them, they look like miniature Macy's Day Parade balloons.

  • @Rita:

    Dan, will be happy to ship your way any and all snow we have this winter.

    Rita Jean

    Oh Rita Jane that's very kind of you. We'll take a few days worth just for the fun of it but that's all. We're babys here in the SF Bay Area. 😃

  • I say this just to see if it bites me but it's not as bad here as it was when I grew up. We could get snow any were from Thanksgiving on but usually right after Christmas. We would not see ground again until spring day's never warm enough and then more snow I just would hate snow and winter. At least now we get snow but it is usually gone in a day or two no more than a week. Who knows maybe one day all of you out there can have our weather and we can yours LOL..

    Rita Jean

  • @Rita:

    I say this just to see if it bites me but it's not as bad here as it was when I grew up. We could get snow any were from Thanksgiving on but usually right after Christmas. We would not see ground again until spring day's never warm enough and then more snow I just would hate snow and winter. At least now we get snow but it is usually gone in a day or two no more than a week. Who knows maybe one day all of you out there can have our weather and we can yours LOL..

    Rita Jean

    We pay big taxes for this weather!

  • Houston

    ..and I moved here from Sweden to get away from the snow…

    and now I miss it, go figure..
    I just love to sit inside and see the snow..but I am not that keen on being outside in it..

  • Both of mine like the snow; it's the rain they hate!

  • We've had barely a dusting here but its been cold enough to keep it on the grass. Mr. Annoyance is acting like its "rutting season". In, out, in, out. If I don't jump up to let him out he proceeds to pull at the blanket over my feet, or worse yet, bills/mail on the coffee table (much like teachers, bill collectors won't believe "the dog ate my check"). It's kinda fun though 'cause he's also just more playful in general right now. A couple more weeks and he'll probably hate the cold and snow like every other self respecting Basenji is supposed to….:D Silly Basenjis...don't they know their rep???:)

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