Gemma growls and shows her teeth if I move her while she's sleeping, but I understand that she has always done this, from the man I got her from. If I keep it up, she will show her teeth and give me the snarkpuss look, but I usually stop then. This is evidently just Gemma's nature. I've heard other dogs do this as well, but the sudden onset is probably something to check with your vet. Shaye is one year old today, and we can still do anything at all we want to her while she's sleeping, including moving her from our laps to her bed, from one room to another, turn her over, mess with her feet, etc., and she hardly even opens her eyes, and settles exactly where we put her. Since Chloe just started giving you problems, you should probably talk to the vet, because it hasn't been in her nature to do that.