• Gizmo your a love very handsome great video.

    Rita Jean

  • My cody loves banana's when I peel one I have to fight with him to get what I am going to eat. I usually give him the end pieces. Now Aurora want to try and eat some b/c Cody is eating it but she doesn't like it. But Aurora does like the freeze dried banana slices I get from Trader joe's organic grocery store. She eats them and then smacks her lips.

  • @NerdyDogOwner:

    Actually I think he doesn't fully trust me. I had him on antibiotics for 1 week a while back, and the pills were pretty big. Couldn't crush or split in two since they gave off a very bad taste and he would gag it up.

    So now he thinks I am gonna try to get him to swallow a pill every time I give him a treat. Now when I ask him to "sit" he backs off and sits down 1 meter away…just to be safe...haha!

    Gizmo reminds me of Kananga about how careful he is with new foods. He's too funny.

    Although, anything with cheese, butter, or chicken, and Kananga is licking his lips with anticipation.

  • I love the video.

    I wonder how many basenjis like banana's? I can't recall one of mine that ever did although one bitch, Meadow, loved the skins! My sheep also love banana skins!!

  • AJ sees me eating salad and asks for some. I give him a piece of lettuce and he does that same thing with the paw.

    Gizmo has beautiful wrinkles.

    Petra, what are you not feeding that dog?

  • And Banana's are really good for Basenjis… I try and encourage my baby pups to sample them....

  • Buddy won't touch a Banana. He'll sniff it from 2" away and turn around and walk off. Buddy acts like a monkey anyway so I don't want to make it worse.

  • Wow, Gizmo REALLY resembles my Shango in this video! You have a very handsome boy who must make you smile a lot 🙂

  • I Loved the Video!! Im Going to have to see if Maverick likes Bananas Now!!! Though hes not too much of a picky eater… he acts like he is STARVING All the time... so, we shall see! 🙂

  • What a beautiful Basenji!

  • My two don't like bananas either. Also there are dried blueberries in their food, and they very carefully spit them all over the floor rather than eat them. If I mix water into the food so the blueberries plump up, they do eat them - maybe they think they're stones when they aren't soft?

  • Nulla makes that same disgusted face! I love it!

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