Miles: A Rescue
Hahha… thanks guys! Miles has certainly found his forever home-- although I really wish he'd quit sneaking into the closet and laundry basket-diving! Ugh!! And he always eats my socks. He runs incessantly in circles when he's not into something and he farts on us when he's mad. I swear he's a skunk sometimes!! ;) But despite all his "bad" habits, I still adore that little Ham!! :) And then there's Lexi who is a perfect angel-- and usually tells on him when he's doing something bad- like raiding the trash!! So funny!
Beautiful pictures. They are all great, but the last one is a christmas card in the making…wow
I love reading about Miles and Lexi.
Ps your new home is gorgeous.. -
Lovely home you have. Lucky b's.
Lovely pics of Miles and Lexi and your lovely new home.
Couldn't resist posting a few more…
Miles on the ride home from Thanksgiving. It took 11 hours. :(
Do you see what I see??? Do you see what I see?? A Jam! A Jam! Peeking from behind…
I found Miles posing by the Christmas tree this morning. Apparently he was ready for his photoshoot…
I mean seriously?? Do your dogs beg to be photographed like this like mine do? They totally set themselves up and just hold the pose. It's unbelievable. :)
Great pictures. the last one is beautiful..the first one looks so cuddly
Thank you for sharing these.
Miles is very photogenic, lovely christmas pics
I absolutely love the photo of the two of them in front of the Christmas tree at night!:D:D:D
Maybe the spats over dinner would stop if you put the bowls in separate rooms? Or at different ends of the same room where something blocks their view of each other. . this might just be because the situation is new - he may need to reassure himself dinner will always show up, and he'll always get some, before he's willing to share space for it.
BDawg…Your kids are such hams - and I don't mean just "Ham - Miles". LOL - it looks like you have the easiest time getting pics of them posing. :D:D:D
Great photos BTW - love the fur trim on the kids coats and such a nice family photo w/you, your hubby, Lexi & Miles.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas in your new home!!!
We woke up to several inches of snow this morning– the most I've ever seen in my life! Took some pics- at least another foot is expected!!
Lexi hates the snow:
Determined to find some grass…
What's all this white stuff?
First walk of the day:
Trying to get the dogs to play in the snow- these are definitely desert dogs!