OmG your Ibizan (am i correct) dog is so so Cute! I used to want one so much. I wanted a basenji, ibizan, or pharaoh- can you see a theme here lol.Your dogs are very pretty you must get lots of attention when you take them out.
I decided a basenji would suit me best for the compact size and when I went to visit my b at the rescue I was sold!
Yes she is a Ibizan! We also love the Pharaoh.. (I also wanted a Pharaoh or a cinecco )
Why don't you just add a Ibizan.. they go very well with Basenjis!
Again, really great pictures!
Hailey's feet are very unusual compared to the Basenji-feet, don't you think?
hahaha they sure do.. and they really do make one big difference:
Ibizans like to jump at you and trow their paws around your neck(give you a real "Ibizan hug").. but… they usually end up against your nose... and yes that hurts :rolleyes:
And a Basenji paw? Untill now.. I had never had a Basenji paw in my nose... hahahah