• ok, so you all do give warnings for new b owners (and you do well),
    that they might be somewhat destructive, independent, disobedient…
    but, there's another kind of warning you should add,
    one for which i, as a new b owner, i was not at all prepared
    and that is that these creatures
    are extremely kind, tender, gentle, sweet, love/needed and love/giving
    and this is by far more dangerous, for you will find yourselves
    (as i have become),
    deeply and emotionally attached with them!

  • Warning:

    The Basenji is an addictive breed, as the work associated with keeping them out of trouble and correcting the trouble they get into anyway is doubly rewarded with cuddles, snuggles, loyalty, adorable baroos and constant cuteness. Please contact your local responsible breeder or Basenji Rescue group if you experience symptoms of addiction such as having too much love for your Basenji and knowing no other solution but to obtain another.

  • **In one of the many books we read while waiting on our first Basenji pup (Peanut) nearly 15 years ago, it stated "you haven't lived, until you lived with a Basenji". Those words have come to define my life. They open your soul, your mind and your heart in ways nothing else can. For every second of anger one of them causes, they give 100X that back in total joy & love filled hours.

    Like my beautiful Basenji's, I'm not perfect, but I am a better person because I've lived with them.


  • @Shannanigan:


    The Basenji is an addictive breed, as the work associated with keeping them out of trouble and correcting the trouble they get into anyway is doubly rewarded with cuddles, snuggles, loyalty, adorable baroos and constant cuteness. Please contact your local responsible breeder or Basenji Rescue group if you experience symptoms of addiction such as having too much love for your Basenji and knowing no other solution but to obtain another.

    If you asked me 3 years ago If I would ever have 2 basenji's I would have said "are you crazy!" :eek: Well yesterday Sonny turned 3 and Saturday we go pick up his new sister!!! I couldn't be more excited 😃

  • WELL said. ditto

  • @sonnyboy:

    If you asked me 3 years ago If I would ever have 2 basenji's I would have said "are you crazy!" :eek: Well yesterday Sonny turned 3 and Saturday we go pick up his new sister!!! I couldn't be more excited 😃

    LOL! You've been had young lady.:D Back in 94 I got my second Basenji, Nika after my first wonderful Basenji, Nipper died in 92 at 17-1/2. Nika was very wild, so when she was about a year I got another, Ringo so she could take it out on him. Those 2 were the best!

  • @nobarkus:

    LOL! You've been had young lady.:D Back in 94 I got my second Basenji, Nika after my first wonderful Basenji, Nipper died in 92 at 17-1/2. Nika was very wild, so when she was about a year I got another, Ringo so she could take it out on him. Those 2 were the best!

    I'm so excited but equally as nervous :o.. We'll go through a trial period and see how things go. I'm sure hoping they blend into a happy family!!

  • @sonnyboy:

    I'm so excited but equally as nervous :o.. We'll go through a trial period and see how things go. I'm sure hoping they blend into a happy family!!

    2 are a lot of fun. They'll be fine. Give it some time too. Have them meet on neutral territory the first time, like maybe the beach or a park. I used to walk them all over town and people would see me in the store and say "your dogs are beautiful, you walk by my house sometimes". We want a post from you with pics too.

  • @anmus:

    ok, so you all do give warnings for new b owners (and you do well),
    that they might be somewhat destructive, independent, disobedient…
    but, there's another kind of warning you should add,
    one for which i, as a new b owner, i was not at all prepared
    and that is that these creatures
    are extremely kind, tender, gentle, sweet, love/needed and love/giving
    and this is by far more dangerous, for you will find yourselves
    (as i have become),
    deeply and emotionally attached with them!

    So very true, well said !

  • haha too funny. I agree with you, anmus - the warnings do not prepare you for the entertainment and joy brought from the little ones! I have learned that when it is Tika's cuddle time, she has to consistently have her belly rubbed, or a little paw reminds me I stopped!

  • Chris and I are actually enjoying the challenge of keeping Paco entertained and happily exercised…it keeps us from becoming the lazy homebodies we were in our pre-Basenji era! We've already agreed that when the day comes that we move out of our apartment and buy a house, we're adding another b to the family. 🙂

  • "2 are a lot of fun. They'll be fine. Give it some time too. Have them meet on neutral territory the first time, like maybe the beach or a park. I used to walk them all over town and people would see me in the store and say "your dogs are beautiful, you walk by my house sometimes". We want a post from you with pics too."

    We're going down to CT to meet her & the breeder. I'm sure I'll have an interesting story by the time we get back that night! Sonny is bound to make this a roller coaster ride! 😉

  • I can't even imagine my life without a basenji or two, or three…..

  • When I talk about b's to folks who are interested in them, I tell them the "bad" things.
    But I also say they will never had a dog more loving or with a better sense of humor.
    IMO, they are the only dog to ever have! Of course, 2 are much better than one!

  • Well said (everyone), the special love a basenji gives is precious. When I am sick or injured, they stay close to comfort me. If I am upset, they snuggle extra close. With a basenji, it is a mutual relationship of love and respect, not 'owner and dog'.

  • As someone still waiting for the right time to purchase a basenji, I am grateful that I hear all the "horror" stories. It just keeps telling me that I know I can put up with the antics, craziness and calamaties in order to have a wonderful companion.

    Thanks for starting this thread, because as I mentioned in another thread, I am so saddened when I hear that a basenji is not right for a particular family who was darn set on getting one.

    Oh boy, are my bristles showing? Sorry, but this is a really sensitive subject to me. Animals are not commodities.

  • Today, I took Rio and Sophie out to lunch with me and my husband. I got out of the car and almost immediately 3 people asked if they could meet me and my dogs. I said, "Of course". The one woman was telling the young man what an amazing breed basenjis are. She shared a story about how one had wondered into their yard one day. It spent the entire day at their house and was the most loving dog then just disappeared again. Since then she has loved the breed and was so happy to be able to pet my girls and talk with me.

    The funniest thing was that the quality she was most impressed with about the breed and dared the young man to test was that they do not have a doggie odor. It was pretty funny to see him sniffing my dogs in amazement.

  • @MacPack:

    Well said (everyone), the special love a basenji gives is precious. When I am sick or injured, they stay close to comfort me. If I am upset, they snuggle extra close. With a basenji, it is a mutual relationship of love and respect, not 'owner and dog'.

    That is so true! My Basenji is not allowed on the bed or the couches, BUT, whenever I am sick, she just knows, and it never fails, she will jump up and cuddle with me and be sweet… and she never gets booted off either, because the affection is warmly welcomed and appreciated.

  • @lvoss:

    The funniest thing was that the quality she was most impressed with about the breed and dared the young man to test was that they do not have a doggie odor. It was pretty funny to see him sniffing my dogs in amazement.

    I always tell this to people, "smell him, he smells like a stuffed animal, no dog odor". They usually give me a weird look, but then are surprised when it's true. 😃

  • MacPack told us our lives would never be the same with 2 B's. She was right. We can't imagine life without both of them.

    Keoki is so in tune with my feelings and emotions. He knows when I need him to come cuddle and when I am sick he places his head on my chest as if he is making sure I am still breathing. This is all from a 7 year old dog that we have had less than one year.

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