Two basenjis in GA need help; their human passed away.
Please keep us posted… My heart goes out to them.
I've seen pictures of the Basenjis and they are sweeties.
They need someone who will love them. -
Does anyone know who the breeder of these pups are? That would be a good place to start if you have that info. They really look like a nice pair of pups. (The older ones tug at my heart so much!)
Hi everyone, this is Valerie again. I just want to say thanks to everyone for helping to get the word out about these two dogs. I only have the info that the owner gave me when I first met her in October. Since she passed away (Dec. 28), her father has been trying to help me find out what information he can get, but still can't find breeder info. I do remember from my conversation with Julie (the basenji's owner) that she bought them from a breeder somewhere in CA; she got Niles first, then Lulu a little while later. They have the same father and are both right around 11 years old. I walk these dogs M-F around 5pm and that is the only contact I have with these people. I was told that the father was desperate to get "rid" of the dogs and that he may put them in the shelter, but I honestly think that b/c of all the responses that I've reported to him that he will be patient and wait. I also think that he truly loves these dogs, but just can't handle the day-to-day duties of caring for a dog.
I'm truly touched by all of the caring hearts out there. Thank you so much!Valerie Pegg
Do we have permission to forward this information to other lists where someone may recognize these dogs as from one of their litters?
I'll ask the owner's father tomorrow when I go walk them and let you know.
I will keep a good thought for these 2.
Its hard to see the old ones in need. -
Ohhhh, so sad… I really wish the best for you in finding them good homes. Please keep us posted with updates!
Hi everyone….great news! The basenji's have found a new home and are able stay together! Thanks to everyone for all of your help and for your wonderful hearts!
Val -
Thank goodness! Please invite the new owner/s to drop by here.
Hi everyone….great news! The basenji's have found a new home and are able stay together! Thanks to everyone for all of your help and for your wonderful hearts!
ValThat is great news
Yea!!! I am so happy for these basenjis. And bless the souls for the ones who took them in… Thank them for us. :)
Yea - happy days!
Thank goodness. Please thank the good-hearted soul that adopted a pair of older dogs. Though I consider my 13 year old "middle aged"!
That's great news!
Hi everyone, it's been a while and I hope this post finds everyone doing great!! I recently got an email from Niles' and Lulu's new owner and wanted to share the great news!
They now live in peace and harmony with their new basenji sister, who is the same age as them. They have a 3 mile walk to the mailbox and back everyday (I think they live in the mountains in one of the Carolinas), and when they aren't walking, they are relaxing and enjoying life.
Lulu went to the vet and it turns out that she had a pretty bad thyroid disorder. They are getting that under control quickly and she is gaining energy and losing weight.
All in all, the dogs are in a great home with a wonderful man who understands the breed. I couldn't have asked for a better situation for them!
Thank you to all of you for your help and guidance through this sad situation. A sad situation with a very happy ending!Sincerely,
Valerie Pegg
Best Fit Pet Sit Services
Lawrenceville, GA -
Thank you for this "Happy Ending" story. It is really nice to have the follow-up. Good job finding them a great home!
Thank you for the update, I am so happy for them!:D
Thanks for the news - so glad it turned out okay.