I Definitely do not think he has learned on thing from his ordeal, he tries to gun it as soon as the door opens, to get into the front yard. Now I have been working on him to sit if the door opens and so far so good..but I don't trust him..
Either way he is feeling much better in his body, his stomach is still upside down, severe diarrhea, has lost 1.6 lbs since monday, not good. I just came back from the vet and they ran several tests, nothing came back suspicious, so we are doing a 30 day cure of probiotics, a wormer to be on the safe side, as well as a 3 day cure of antibiotics. He is not acting as if his stomach is sore when palpatated, which is good, according to the vet..He ate two servings of food when we got back, well I actually just gave him one more, because he was acting as if he was still hungry..
Again, thanks for all his well wishes..
On a different note, the vet was giving him some treats and after giving him a few she continued to talk to me….he wouldn't have any of that..he started talking to her in a really weird growly manner, it was so funny..he has never done that before..needless to say he got more treats after that.
Show me your crate pictures!
Gosh in that first picture your Reds coat is absolutely stunning! It is so deep of a red I am envious! How on earth do you get such nice coloring?
Ahhhhh puppiesss!!!! Love em
I'm loving the escape attempt that went..uuuhhh sleepy!
here's tayda terrorizing the big dog in HIS crate! actually, she's playing… but its still funny. Keisha (other dog) is terrified! (and 3 times bigger than tayda)
Nice paw action.
You just can't ignore me!
OK - tonight, Duke and Daisy got tired, Duke on top, Daisy below - crate doors open - both found in their own beds:
I find them in their "rooms" often - they love their space - really unless I let them share mine.
I see a few of you have stacked your crates one on top of each other, do your dogs not mind being able to see each other? I think Zahra would go insane if she could not see Chase.
This is Mirtillo in his vari kennel:
I see a few of you have stacked your crates one on top of each other, do your dogs not mind being able to see each other? I think Zahra would go insane if she could not see Chase.
I discovered they did not mind when I was vacuuming. I stacked the crates to clear the floor. Duke was concerned at what I was doing with his "bed". I opened the door and up he jumped, making claim to it where it was - on top of Daisy's. I opened Daisy's door and in she went to settle into the new location. So I left the crates stacked - and now we have a little more floor space in the family room. Before this recent change, I made sure they could see each other when Daisy was a pup last year.
Janneke - That is an adorable picture of Mirtillo